Global Mirror
You can configure a IBM® i high availability solution that uses Global Mirror. Global Mirror maintains a consistent copy of data between two IBM System Storage® external storage units.
Global Mirror provides disk I/O subsystem level mirroring between two external storage units. This asynchronous solution provides better performance at unlimited distances, by allowing the target site to trail in currency a few seconds behind the source site.
Global Mirror provides a remote, long-distance remote copy across two sites using asynchronous technology. It operates over high-speed, fibre channel communication links and is designed to maintain a complete and consistent remote mirror of data asynchronously at virtually unlimited distances with almost no impact to application response time.
Separating data centers by longer distances helps to provide protection from regional outages. This asynchronous technique provides better performance at unlimited distances. With Global Mirror, data that is copied to the backup site is current with the production site in a matter of seconds. Global Mirror creates a disaster recovery solution that provides high performance and a cost effective approach to data replication across global distances.