Completing planning worksheets for Digital Certificate Manager

MyCo, Inc. completes the planning worksheets to help set up digital certificates to issue to their business partner.

Table 1. Planning worksheet for creating a certificate authority (CA) with Digital Certificate Manager (DCM)
Questions Answers
What key size do you plan to use for generating the public and private keys for the certificate? 2048
What key algorithm (RSA or ECDSA) do you plan to use for generating the public and private keys for the certificate? RSA
What is the certificate store password? secret
Important: All passwords that are used in this scenario are for example purposes only. Do not use these passwords in any actual configuration.
What is the name of the certificate authority? mycoca
What is the name of your organization? myco
How many days do you want the certificate authority to be valid? 1095 (3 years)
What is your browser? Windows Internet Explorer version 6.0
Will you issue certificates to users on the network? No
Table 2. Planning worksheet for digital certificate for System A
Questions Answers
What key size do you plan to use for generating the public and private keys for the certificate? 521
What key algorithm (RSA or ECDSA) do you plan to use for generating the public and private keys for the certificate? ECDSA
What is the certificate store password? secret
Important: All passwords that are used in this scenario are for example purposes only. Do not use these passwords in any actual configuration.
What is the name of the certificate label? mycocert
What is the common name for your certificate? mycocert
What is the name of your organization? MyCo, Inc
What is the IP address of your system? (2001:DB8::2 in IPv6)
Important: IP addresses used in this scenario are meant for example purpose only. They do not reflect an IP addressing scheme and should not be used in any actual configuration. You should use your own IP addresses when completing these tasks.
What is the fully qualified host name of your system?
Table 3. Planning worksheet for digital certificates for System B
Questions Answers
What key size do you plan to use for generating the public and private keys for the certificate? 2048
What key algorithm (RSA or ECDSA) do you plan to use for generating the public and private keys for the certificate? RSA
What is the name of the certificate label? corporatecert
What is the common name for your certificate? corporatecert
What is the certificate store path and filename? /tmp/systemb.kdb
What is the certificate store password? secret2
Important: All passwords that are used in this scenario are for example purposes only. Do not use these passwords in any actual configuration.
What is the common name of the digital certificate? corporatecert
What is the organizational name that owns this certificate? MyCo, Inc
What is the IP address of your system? (2002:DD8::3 in IPv6)
Important: IP addresses used in this scenario are meant for example purposes only. They do not reflect an IP addressing scheme and should not be used in any actual configuration. You should use your own IP addresses when completing these tasks.
What is the fully qualified host name of your system?