IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for i version support
A PowerHA® version represents the level of PowerHA for i function available on a cluster.
Enhanced IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for i licensed program number (5770-HAS)
IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for i version support
A PowerHA version represents the level of IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for i function available on a cluster. It is displayed in the form, x.y. For example, version 2.0 is a valid PowerHA version.
- Potential PowerHA version
- Represents the version of IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for i installed on a node. The potential PowerHA is the highest PowerHA version the node can currently support. The potential PowerHA version is updated when a new version of IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for i is installed.
- Current PowerHA version
- Represents the version currently being used for all cluster operations. This is the version of communications between the nodes in the cluster. To take advantage of all available new PowerHA function, every node in the cluster needs to be at the latest potential PowerHA version and the current PowerHA version must be adjusted to match.
Compatibility of PowerHA versions
IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for i supports up to a three version difference among nodes. Nodes with a potential PowerHA version of at least equal to the current PowerHA version, but not more than three versions higher than the current PowerHA version, are compatible. For example, if the current PowerHA version is 2.1, nodes with a potential PowerHA version of at least 2.1 and less than 6.0 are compatible.
Setting the current PowerHA version
The current PowerHA version is initially set when the cluster is created with the Create Cluster (CRTCLU) command. If the cluster exists when IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for i is installed, the current PowerHA version is set to lowest current PowerHA version supported by the node. Adjusting the current PowerHA version is done with the Change Cluster Version (CHGCLUVER) command. The current PowerHA version can only be adjusted if the potential PowerHA version of each node in the cluster supports the version. The current PowerHA version cannot be changed back to a lower version. Once the current PowerHA version is adjusted to a higher version, new IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for i function is made available.
The cluster version identifies the communication level of the nodes in the cluster, the ability of a node to join the cluster and the ability of the cluster to support new function. Refer to the information about compatibility between cluster versions and IBM I series releases to verify your PowerHA, clusters and operating system are compatible.
Summary of new functions by PowerHA version
It is implied that functions available include functions available at previous versions.
Function available with PowerHA version 1.0, requires cluster version 6.0.
New function available with PowerHA version 2.0, requires cluster version 7.0.
Functions available with PowerHA version 1.0
Functions available with PowerHA version 1.0, which requires current cluster version 6, are:
Support for Cross Site Mirroring (XSM):
- Geographic Mirroring
- Metro Mirror
- Global Mirror
- FlashCopy®
IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for i commands:
- Add ASP Copy Description (ADDASPCPYD)
- Add Admin Domain MRE (ADDCADMRE)
- Add Admin Domain Node Entry (ADDCADNODE)
- Add Cluster Node Entry (ADDCLUNODE)
- Add CRG Device Entry (ADDCRGDEVE)
- Add CRG Node Entry (ADDCRGNODE)
- Add Device Domain Entry (ADDDEVDMNE)
- Change ASP Copy Description (CHGASPCPYD)
- Change ASP Session (CHGASPSSN)
- Change Cluster Admin Domain (CHGCAD)
- Change Cluster (CHGCLU)
- Change Cluster Node Entry (CHGCLUNODE)
- Change Cluster Version (CHGCLUVER)
- Change Cluster Resource Group (CHGCRG)
- Change CRG Device Entry (CHGCRGDEVE)
- Change CRG Primary (CHGCRGPRI)
- Create Cluster Admin Domain (CRTCAD)
- Create Cluster (CRTCLU)
- Create Cluster Resource Group (CRTCRG)
- Delete Cluster Admin Domain (DLTCAD)
- Delete Cluster (DLTCLU)
- Delete CRG Cluster (DLTCRGCLU)
- Display ASP Copy Description (DSPASPCPYD)
- Display ASP Session (DSPASPSSN)
- Display Cluster Information (DSPCLUINF)
- Display CRG Information (DSPCRGINF)
- End ASP Session (ENDASPSSN)
- End Cluster Admin Domain (ENDCAD)
- End Cluster Node (ENDCLUNOD)
- End Cluster Resource Group (ENDCRG)
- Remove ASP Copy Description (RMVASPCPYD)
- Remove Admin Domain MRE (RMVCADMRE)
- Remove Admin Domain Node Entry (RMVCADNODE)
- Remove Cluster Node Entry (RMVCLUNODE)
- Remove CRG Device Entry (RMVCRGDEVE)
- Remove CRG Node Entry (RMVCRGNODE)
- Remove Device Domain Entry (RMVDEVDMNE)
- Start ASP Session (STRASPSSN)
- Start Cluster Admin Domain (STRCAD)
- Start Cluster Node (STRCLUNOD)
- Start Cluster Resource Group (STRCRG)
- Work with ASP Copy Description (WRKASPCPYD)
- Work with Cluster (WRKCLU)
IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for i application programming interfaces:
- Change Device Domain Data (QYASCHGDDD)
- Retrieve ASP Copy Information (QYASRTVINF)
- Retrieve Device Domain Data (QYASRTVDDD)
- Cluster Resource Services
- High Availability Solutions Manager
Functions available with PowerHA version 2.0
Functions available with PowerHA version 2.0, which requires current cluster version 7 are:
- Enhanced Change Cluster Version (CHGCLUVER) command
- New Change High Availability Version (QhaChangeHAVersion) API
- Enhanced Create Cluster (CRTCLU) command
- Enhanced Display Cluster Information (DSPCLUINF) command
- New List High Availability Information (QhaListHAInfo) API
- NewRetrieve Cluster (RTVCLU) command
- NewRetrieve Cluster Resource Group (RTVCRG) command
- New Retrieve High Availability Information (QhaRetrieveHAInfo) API
- Enhanced Work with Cluster (WRKCLU) command
- Enhanced Change ASP Session (CHGASPSSN) command
- Enhanced Display ASP Session (DSPASPSSN) command
- Enhanced Retrieve ASP Session (RTVASPSSN) command
- Enhanced Retrieve ASP Copy Description (RTVASPCPYD) command
- New Add Cluster Monitor (ADDCLUMON) command
- New Change Cluster Monitor (CHGCLUMON) command
- New Remove Cluster Monitor (RMVCLUMON) command
IPv6 support added
- Enhanced Add Cluster Node Entry (ADDCLUNODE) command
- Enhanced Add Cluster Resource Group Device Entry (ADDCRGDEVE) command
- Enhanced Add Cluster Resource Group Node Entry (ADDCRGNODE) command
- Enhanced Change Cluster Node Entry (CHGCLUNODE) command
- Enhanced Change Cluster Resource Group (CHGCRG) command
- Enhanced Change Cluster Resource Group Device Entry (CHGCRGDEVE) command
- Enhanced Create Cluster (CRTCLU) command
- Enhanced Create Cluster Resource Group (CRTCRG) command
- Enhanced Display Cluster Information (DSPCLUINF) command
- Enhanced Display Cluster Resource Group Information (DSPCRGINF) command
- Enhanced Work with Cluster (WRKCLU) command
- Enhanced Add Admin Domain MRE (ADDCADMRE) command
- New Print Cluster Admin Domain MRE (PRTCADMRE) command
- Enhanced Remove Admin Domain MRE (RMVCADMRE) command
- Support is now available for switched logical units. See the Switched logical units topic for additional information.
PowerHA server job
When clustering is active and the current PowerHA version is 2.0 or higher, the PowerHA server job will be running. This job is named QHASVR and runs in the QSYSWRK subsystem under the QHAUSRPRF user profile.
Functions available with PowerHA version 2.1
Functions available with PowerHA version 2.1, which requires current cluster version 7 are:
Functions available with PowerHA version 2.2
Functions available with PowerHA version 2.2, which requires current cluster version 7 are:
- All DS8000®, SAN Volume Controller, and Storwize® V7000 and V3700 PowerHA functionality is now available through the new PowerHA GUI, which is available under IBM Navigator for i.
- Enhanced command interface, Work with Monitored Resources Entries (MRE) (WRKCADMRE) has been created, offering improved sorting, filtering, and searching capabilities for large number of MREs.
- Administrative domain entries can be added or removed when not all nodes are active in the cluster.
- Administrative domain, FlashCopy, and copy description functions are now fully cluster enabled so that all work can be initiated from any active cluster node.
- Geographic mirroring synchronization priority can be changed while the IASP is varied on.
- PowerHA submitted jobs are now associated with the QCSTJOBD job description instead of the QBATCH job description.
Functions available with PowerHA version 3.0
Functions available with PowerHA version 3.0, which requires current cluster version 8 are:
- Cluster administrative domain monitored resource limit raised to 45,000. So cluster administrative domain can synchronize 45,000 specific objects.
- Cluster administrative domain with IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for i now supports synchronization of object authority and ownership. New object attributes of object owner, authority entry, authorization list and primary group were added to some monitored resource entries.
- IBM PowerHA for i Express® Edition edition will support
HyperSwap®. The following
commands have been added to support HyperSwap:
- New Add HyperSwap Storage Description command
- New Change HyperSwap Storage Description command
- New Change HyperSwap Status command
- New Display HyperSwap Storage Description command
- New Display HyperSwap Status command
- New Remove HyperSwap Storage Description command
- The High Availability Solutions Manager graphical interface and Cluster Resource Services graphical interface are no longer supported. Use the PowerHA graphical interface.
Functions available with PowerHA version 3.1
Functions available with PowerHA version 3.1, which requires current cluster version 8 are:
- IBM PowerHA for i Enterprise Edition edition supports
HyperSwap with IASPs. The
following commands have been added to support HyperSwap with IASPs:
- Updated Add ASP Copy Description command
- Updated Change ASP Copy Description command
- Updated Retrieve ASP Copy Description command
- Updated Retrieve ASP Session command
- Updated Change HyperSwap Status command
- Updated Display HyperSwap Status command
- New Work HyperSwap StatusWork with HyperSwap Status command
- New Add HA Configuration DescriptionAdd HA Configuration Description command
- New Remove HA Configuration DescriptionRemove HA Configuration Description command
- New Display HA Configuration DescriptionDisplay HA Configuration Description command
- New Work HA Configuration DescriptionWork HA Configuration Description command
- New Retrieve SAN Volume Controller (SVC) Copy DescriptionRetrieve SAN Volume Controller Copy Description command
- New Retrieve SVC SessionRetrieve SAN Volume Controller Session command
- IBM PowerHA for i Enterprise Edition edition supports
HyperSwap with IASPs. The
following APIs have been added to support HyperSwap with IASPs:
- Updated Retrieve ASP Copy Information API
- New Retrieve HA Configuration DescriptionRetrieve HA Configuration Description API
- New Retrieve HA StatusRetrieve HA Status API