Save system values

System values are stored in the system library, QSYS. You must save the QSYS library in order to retrieve the system values you have set should you need to recover your system.

You save the QSYS library when you:
  • Use the Save System (SAVSYS) command.
  • Use the option to save the entire system from the Save menu.
  • Use the option to save system information from the Save menu.
  • Use the option to back up the entire system from the Run Backup (RUNBCKUP) menu.
If you need to recover your entire system, you automatically restore your system values when you restore your operating system.

Whenever library QUSRSYS is saved with the Save Library (SAVLIB) or Save Changed Objects (SAVCHGOBJ) commands, the current system information is retrieved and saved. The system information saved is the same data which is retrieved by the Retrieve System Information (RTVSYSINF) command. If a system needs to be reloaded from distribution media, the system information can be updated by restoring the user information and then running UPDSYSINF LIB(QUSRSYS).