Monitoring abnormal deletions

The Print Private Authorities (PRTPVTAUT) command allows you to print a report of all the private authorities for objects of a specified type in a specified library, folder, or directory.

The report lists all objects of the specified type and the users that are authorized to the object. You need to check for different sources of authority to objects. The command prints three reports for the selected objects. The Full Report contains all of the private authorities for each of the selected objects. The Changed Report contains additions and changes to the private authorities to the selected objects if the PRTPVTAUT command was previously run for the specified objects in the specified library, folder, or directory. Any new objects of the selected type, new authorities to existing objects, or changes to existing authorities to the existing objects are listed in the Changed Report. If the PRTPVTAUT command was not previously run for the specified objects in the specified library, folder, or directory, there will be no Changed Report. If the command has been previously run but no changes have been made to the authorities on the objects, then the Changed Report is printed but there are no objects listed.

The Deleted Report contains any deletions of privately authorized users from the specified objects since the PRTPVTAUT command was previously run. Any objects that were deleted or any users that were removed as privately authorized users are listed in the Deleted Report. If the PRTPVTAUT command was not previously run, there will be no Deleted Report. If the command has been previously run but no delete operations have been done to the objects, then the Deleted Report is printed but there are no objects listed.

Important: You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use PRTPVTAUT command.