LEAVE (Leave a Do/For Group)

Free-Form Syntax LEAVE
Code Factor 1 Factor 2 Result Field Indicators

The LEAVE operation transfers control from within a DO or FOR group to the statement following the ENDDO or ENDFOR operation.

You can use LEAVE within a DO, DOU, DOUxx, DOW, DOWxx, or FOR loop to transfer control immediately from the innermost loop to the statement following the innermost loop's ENDDO or ENDFOR operation. Using LEAVE to leave a DO or FOR group does not increment the index.

In nested loops, LEAVE causes control to transfer “outwards” by one level only. LEAVE is not allowed outside a DO or FOR group.

The ITER (Iterate) operation is similar to the LEAVE operation; however, ITER transfers control to the ENDDO or ENDFOR statement.

For more information, see Branching Operations or Structured Programming Operations.

Figure 1. LEAVE Operation
 * The following example uses an infinite loop.  When the user
 * types 'q', control transfers to the LEAVE operation, which in
 * turn transfers control out of the loop to the Z-ADD operation.
C     2             DOWNE     1
C                   :
C                   IF        ANSWER = 'q'
C                   LEAVE
C                   ENDIF
C                   :
C                   ENDDO
C                   Z-ADD     A             B
 * The following example uses a DOUxx loop containing a DOWxx.
 * The IF statement checks indicator 1. If it is ON, indicator
 * 99 is turned ON, control passes to the LEAVE operation and
 * out of the inner DOWxx loop.
 * A second LEAVE instruction is then executed because indicator 99
 * is ON, which in turn transfers control out of the DOUxx loop.
C                   :
C     FLDA          DOUEQ     FLDB
C     NUM           DOWLT     10
C     *IN01         IFEQ      *ON
C                   SETON                                        99
C                   LEAVE
C                   :
C                   ENDIF
C                   ENDDO
C  99               LEAVE
C                   :
C                   ENDDO
C                   :