Example: ILE RPG program for creating roles or profiles for your Coprocessor

Change this IBM i ILE RPG program example to suit your needs for creating roles and profiles for your Coprocessor.

Note: Read the Code license and disclaimer information for important legal information.

If you choose to use this program example, change it to suit your specific needs. For security reasons, IBM recommends that you individualize these program examples rather than using the default values provided.

     D* Sample program to create 3 roles and 3 profiles in the 
     D* and change the authority for the default role.
     D* COPYRIGHT 5769-SS1 (C) IBM CORP. 2000, 2007
     D* This material contains programming source code for your
     D* consideration.  These example has not been thoroughly
     D* tested under all conditions.  IBM, therefore, cannot
     D* guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function
     D* of these programs.  All programs contained herein are
     D* provided to you "AS IS".  THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF
     D* ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED.  IBM provides no program services for
     D* these programs and files.
     D* Note: Input format is more fully described in Chapter 2 of
     D*       IBM  CCA Basic Services Reference and Guide
     D*       (SC31-8609) publication.
     D* Parameters: None
     D* Example:
     D* Use these commands to compile this program on the system:
     D*         BNDDIR(QCCA/QC6BNDDIR)
     D* Note: Authority to the CSUAACI service program in the
     D*       QCCA library is assumed.
     D* The Common Cryptographic Architecture (CCA) verbs used are
     D* Access_Control_Initialize (CSUAACI)
     D* Declare variables used by CCA SAPI calls
     D*                **  Return code
     DRETURNCODE       S              9B 0
     D*                **  Reason code
     DREASONCODE       S              9B 0
     D*                **  Exit data length
     DEXITDATALEN      S              9B 0
     D*                **  Exit data
     DEXITDATA         S              4
     D*                **  Rule array count
     DRULEARRAYCNT     S              9B 0
     D*                **  Rule array
     DRULEARRAY        S             16
     D*                **  Text length
     DTEXTLEN          S              9B 0
     D*                **  Text to hash
     DTEXT             S             20
     D*                **  Chaining vector length
     DCHAINVCTLEN      S              9B 0 INZ(128)
     D*                **  Chaining vector
     DCHAINVCT         S            128
     D*                **  Hash length
     DHASHLEN          S              9B 0 INZ(20)
     D* VERBDATA1 contains the aggregate profile structure which
     D*   in turn contains 3 profiles.
     DVERBDATALEN1     S              9B 0 INZ(278)
     DVERBDATA1        DS           278
     D*                ** Define 3 Profiles
     DNUMPROFS                        9B 0 INZ(3)
     D*                ** Reserved field
     DRESR1                           9B 0 INZ(0)
     DPROF1                          90
     DPROF2                          90
     DPROF3                          90
     D* Define the profile structure
     D*                ** Version 1 struct
     DPROFVERS                        2    INZ(X'0100')
     D*                ** Length of profile
     DPROFLEN                         2    INZ(X'005A')
     D*                ** Description of profile
     DCOMMENTP                       20    INZ('                    ')
     D*                ** Checksum is not used
     DCHECKSUMP                       2    INZ(X'0000')
     D*                ** Logon failure count
     DLOGFC                           1    INZ(X'00')
     D*                ** Reserved
     DRESR2                           1    INZ(X'00')
     D*                ** Profile name
     DUSERID                          8
     D*                ** Role used
     DROLENAME                        8
     D*                ** Activation year (2013)
     DACTYEAR                         2    INZ(X'07DD')
     D*                ** Activation month (01)
     DACTMONTH                        1    INZ(X'01')
     D*                ** Activation day   (01)
     DACTDAY                          1    INZ(X'01')
     D*                ** Expiration year (2020)
     DEXPYEAR                         2    INZ(X'07E4')
     D*                ** Expiration month (12)
     DEXPMONTH                        1    INZ(X'0C')
     D*                ** Expiration day   (31)
     DEXPDAY                          1    INZ(X'1F')
     D*                ** Total authentication
     D*                ** data length
     DTOTAUTDTALEN                    2    INZ(X'0024')
     D*                ** Field type
     DFIELDTYPE                       2    INZ(X'0001')
     D*                ** Authentication data len
     DAUTDATLEN                       2    INZ(X'0020')
     D*                ** Authentication mechanism
     DMECHANISM                       2    INZ(X'0001')
     D*                ** Mechanism strength
     DSTRENGTH                        2    INZ(X'0000')
     D*                ** Mech expiration year (2020)
     DMCHEXPYEAR                      2    INZ(X'07E4')
     D*                ** Mech expiration month (12)
     DMCHEXPMONTH                     1    INZ(X'0C')
     D*                ** Mech expiration day (31)
     DMCHEXPDAY                       1    INZ(X'1F')
     D*                ** Attributes
     DATTRIBUTES                      4    INZ(X'80000000')
     D*                ** Authentication data
     DAUTHDATA                       20    INZ('                    ')
     D* The Default role is being replaced
     D*   Verb_data_2 length set to the length of the default role
     DVERBDATALEN2     S              9B 0 INZ(335)
     D* VERBDATA2 contains the aggregate role structure which
     D*   in turn contains 3 roles.
     DVERBDATA2        DS
     D*                ** Define 3 Roles
     DNUMROLES                        9B 0 INZ(3)
     D*                ** Reserved field
     DRESR3                           9B 0 INZ(0)
     DROLE1                         109
     DROLE2                         109
     DROLE3                         109
     D* Define the role structure
     D*                ** Version 1 struct
     DROLEVERS                        2    INZ(X'0100')
     D*                ** Length of role
     DROLELEN                         2    INZ(X'006D')
     D*                ** Description of role
     DCOMMENTR                       20    INZ('                    ')
     D*                ** Checksum is not used
     DCHECKSUMR                       2    INZ(X'0000')
     D*                ** Reserved field
     DRESR4                           2    INZ(X'0000')
     D*                ** Role Name
     DROLE                            8
     D*                ** Authentication strength is set to 0
     DAUTHSTRN                        2    INZ(X'0000')
     D*                ** Lower time is 00:00
     DLWRTIMHR                        1    INZ(X'00')
     DLWRTIMMN                        1    INZ(X'00')
     D*                ** Upper time is 23:59
     DUPRTIMHR                        1    INZ(X'17')
     DUPRTIMMN                        1    INZ(X'3B')
     D*                ** Valid days of week
     DVALIDDOW                        1    INZ(X'FE')
     D*                ** Reserved field
     DRESR5                           1    INZ(X'00')
     D*                ** 2 Access control points segments are defined
     DNUMSEG                          2    INZ(X'0002')
     D*                ** Reserved field
     DRESR6                           2    INZ(X'0000')
     D*                ** Starting bit of segment 1 is 0
     DSTART1                          2    INZ(X'0000')
     D*                ** Ending bit of segment 1 is 295 (Hex 127).
     DEND1                            2    INZ(X'0127')
     D*                ** 37 Bytes in segment 1
     DNUMBYTES1                       2    INZ(X'0025')
     D*                ** Reserved field
     DRESR7                           2    INZ(X'00')
     D*                ** Segment 1 access control pointer
     DBITMAP1A                        8
     DBITMAP1B                        8
     DBITMAP1C                        8
     DBITMAP1D                        8
     DBITMAP1E                        5
     D*                ** Starting bit of segment 2 is 512 (Hex 200)
     DSTART2                          2    INZ(X'0200')
     D*                ** Ending bit of segment 2 is 575 (Hex 23F)
     DEND2                            2    INZ(X'023F')
     D*                ** 8 Bytes in segment 2
     DNUMBYTES2                       2    INZ(X'0008')
     D*                ** Reserved field
     DRESR8                           2    INZ(X'0000')
     D*                ** Segment 2 access control points
     DBITMAP2                         8
     D*      *----------------------------*
     D*      * DEFAULT expressed in ASCII *
     D*      *----------------------------*
     DDEFAULT          S              8    INZ(X'44454641554C5420')
     D* Prototype for Access_Control_Initialize (CSUAACI)
     DCSUAACI          PR
     DRETCODE                         9B 0
     DRSNCODE                         9B 0
     DEXTDTALEN                       9B 0
     DEXTDTA                          4
     DRARRAYCT                        9B 0
     DRARRAY                         16
     DVRBDTALEN1                      9B 0
     DVRBDTA1                       278
     DVRBDTALEN2                      9B 0
     DVRBDTA2                       335
     D* Prototype for One_Way_Hash (CSNBOWH)
     DCSNBOWH          PR
     DRETCOD                          9B 0
     DRSNCOD                          9B 0
     DEXTDTALN                        9B 0
     DEXTDT                           4
     DRARRYCT                         9B 0
     DRARRY                          16
     DTXTLEN                          9B 0
     DTXT                            20
     DCHNVCTLEN                       9B 0
     DCHNVCT                        128
     DHSHLEN                          9B 0
     DHSH                            20
     D*                **  Declares for sending messages to the
     D*                **  job log using the QMHSNDPM API
     DMSG              S             64    DIM(3) CTDATA PERRCD(1)
     DMSGLENGTH        S              9B 0 INZ(64)
     D                 DS
     DMSGTEXT                  1     75
     DSAPI                     1      7
     DFAILRETC                41     44
     DFAILRSNC                46     49
     DMESSAGEID        S              7    INZ('       ')
     DMESSAGEFILE      S             21    INZ('                     ')
     DMSGKEY           S              4    INZ('    ')
     DMSGTYPE          S             10    INZ('*INFO     ')
     DSTACKENTRY       S             10    INZ('*         ')
     DSTACKCOUNTER     S              9B 0 INZ(2)
     DERRCODE          DS
     DBYTESIN                  1      4B 0 INZ(0)
     DBYTESOUT                 5      8B 0 INZ(0)
     C* START OF PROGRAM                                           *
     C*                                                            *
     C* Set up roles in verb data 2                                *
     C*    Set ROLE name  (ROLE1)
     C                   MOVEL     'ROLE1   '    ROLE
     C*  *--------------------------------------------------------
     C*  * Set Access Control Points for ROLE1
     C*  *
     C*  *   DEFAULT is authorized to all access control points
     C*  *   except for the following:
     C*  *    0x0018 - Load 1st part of Master Key
     C*  *    0x0019 - Combine Master Key Parts
     C*  *    0x001A - Set Master Key
     C*  *    0x0020 - Generate Random Master Key
     C*  *    0x0032 - Clear New Master Key Register
     C*  *    0x0033 - Clear Old Master Key Register
     C*  *    0x00D6 - Translate CV
     C*  *    0x0110 - Set Clock
     C*  *    0x0111 - Reinitialize device
     C*  *    0x0112 - Initialize access control system
     C*  *    0x0113 - Change user profile expiration date
     C*  *    0x0114 - Change authentication data (eg. passphrase)
     C*  *    0x0115 - Reset password failure count
     C*  *    0x0116 - Read Public Access Control Information
     C*  *    0x0117 - Delete user profile
     C*  *    0x0118 - Delete role
     C*  *    0x0119 - Load Function Control Vector
     C*  *    0x011A - Clear Function Control Vector
     C*  *    0x011B - Force User Logoff
     C*  *    0x0200 - Register PKA Public Key Hash
     C*  *    0x0201 - Register PKA Public Key, with cloning
     C*  *    0x0202 - Register PKA Public Key
     C*  *    0x0203 - Delete Retained Key
     C*  *    0x0204 - PKA Clone Key Generate
     C*  *    0x0211 - 0x21F - Clone information - obtain 1-15
     C*  *    0x0221 - 0x22F - Clone information - install 1-15
     C*  *
     C*  *   ROLE 1 is authorized to all access control points
     C*  *   to which the DEFAULT role is authorized plus the following:
     C*  *
     C*  *   0x0018 - Load 1st part of Master Key
     C*  *   0x0020 - Generate Random Master Key
     C*  *   0x0032 - Clear New Master Key Register
     C*  *   0x0053 - Load 1st part of PKA Master Key
     C*  *   0x0060 - Clear New PKA Master Key Register
     C*  *   0x0119 - Load Function Control Vector
     C*  *   0x0201 - Register PKA Public Key, with cloning
     C*  *   0x0202 - Register PKA Public Key
     C*  *   0x0203 - Delete Retained Key
     C*  *   0x0204 - PKA Clone Key Generate
     C*  *   0x0211 - 0x215 - Clone information - obtain 1-5
     C*  *   0x0221 - 0x225 - Clone information - install 1-5
     C*  *
     C*  *--------------------------------------------------------
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1A = X'0003F09D80002000'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1B = X'8000100080000000'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1C = X'000A8000881F7110'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1D = X'1004031180000000'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1E = X'FF7F004F80'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP2  = X'78007C007C00E60F'
     C*    Copy role into aggregate structure
     C                   MOVEL     ROLESTRUCT    ROLE1
     C*    Set ROLE name  (ROLE2)
     C                   MOVEL     'ROLE2   '    ROLE
     C*  *--------------------------------------------------------
     C*  * Set Access Control Points for ROLE2
     C*  *
     C*  *   ROLE 2 is authorized to all access control points
     C*  *   to which the DEFAULT role is authorized plus the following:
     C*  *
     C*  *   0x0019 - Combine Master Key Parts
     C*  *   0x001A - Set Master Key
     C*  *   0x0033 - Clear Old Master Key Register
     C*  *   0x0054 - Combine PKA Master Key Parts
     C*  *   0x0057 - Set PKA Master Key
     C*  *   0x0061 - Clear Old Master Key Register
     C*  *   0x011A - Clear Function Control Vector
     C*  *   0x0200 - Register PKA Public Key Hash
     C*  *   0x0201 - Register PKA Public Key, with cloning
     C*  *   0x0203 - Delete Retained Key
     C*  *   0x0204 - PKA Clone Key Generate
     C*  *   0x0216 - 0x21A - Clone information - obtain 6-10
     C*  *   0x0226 - 0x22A - Clone information - install 6-10
     C*  *
     C*  *--------------------------------------------------------
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1A = X'0003F07D80001000'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1B = X'8000090040000000'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1C = X'000A8000881F7110'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1D = X'1004031180000000'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1E = X'FF7F002F80'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP2  = X'D80003E003E0E60F'
     C*    Copy role into aggregate structure
     C                   MOVEL     ROLESTRUCT    ROLE2
     C*    Set ROLE name  (ROLE3)
     C                   MOVEL     'ROLE3   '    ROLE
     C*  *--------------------------------------------------------
     C*  * Set Access Control Points for ROLE3
     C*  *
     C*  *   ROLE 3 is authorized to all access control points
     C*  *   to which the DEFAULT role is authorized plus the following:
     C*  *
     C*  *   0x0110 - Set Clock
     C*  *   0x0111 - Reinitialize device
     C*  *   0x0112 - Initialize access control system
     C*  *   0x0113 - Change user profile expiration date
     C*  *   0x0114 - Change authentication data (eg. passphrase)
     C*  *   0x0115 - Reset password failure count
     C*  *   0x0116 - Read Public Access Control Information
     C*  *   0x0117 - Delete user profile
     C*  *   0x0118 - Delete role
     C*  *   0x011B - Force User Logoff
     C*  *   0x0200 - Register PKA Public Key Hash
     C*  *   0x0201 - Register PKA Public Key, with cloning
     C*  *   0x0203 - Delete Retained Key
     C*  *   0x0204 - PKA Clone Key Generate
     C*  *   0x021B - 0x21F - Clone information - obtain 11-15
     C*  *   0x022B - 0x22F - Clone information - install 11-15
     C*  *
     C*  *--------------------------------------------------------
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1A = X'0003F01D00000000'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1B = X'80000000C0000000'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1C = X'000A8000881F7110'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1D = X'1004021180000000'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1E = X'FF7FFF9F80'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP2  = X'D800001F001FE60F'
     C*    Copy role into aggregate structure
     C                   MOVEL     ROLESTRUCT    ROLE3
     C* Set up roles in verb data 1                                *
     C*    Set Profile name (SECOFR1)
     C                   MOVEL     'SECOFR1 '    USERID
     C*    Set Role name (ROLE1)
     C                   MOVEL     'ROLE1   '    ROLENAME
     C*    Hash pass-phrase for profile 1
     C                   SETOFF                                           05
     C                   EVAL      TEXT  = 'Is it safe'
     C                   Z-ADD     10            TEXTLEN
     C                   EXSR      HASHMSG
     C   05              SETON                                            LR
     C*    Copy profile into aggregate structure
     C                   MOVEL     PROFILESTRUCT PROF1
     C*    Set Profile name (SECOFR2)
     C                   MOVEL     'SECOFR2 '    USERID
     C*    Set Role name (ROLE2)
     C                   MOVEL     'ROLE2   '    ROLENAME
     C*    Hash pass-phrase for profile 2
     C                   EVAL      TEXT  = 'I think it is safe'
     C                   Z-ADD     18            TEXTLEN
     C                   EXSR      HASHMSG
     C   05              SETON                                            LR
     C*    Copy profile into aggregate structure
     C                   MOVEL     PROFILESTRUCT PROF2
     C*    Set Profile name (SECOFR3)
     C                   MOVEL     'SECOFR2 '    USERID
     C*    Set Role name (ROLE3)
     C                   MOVEL     'ROLE3   '    ROLENAME
     C*    Hash pass-phrase for profile 3
     C                   EVAL      TEXT  = 'Is what safe'
     C                   Z-ADD     12            TEXTLEN
     C                   EXSR      HASHMSG
     C   05              SETON                                            LR
     C*    Copy profile into aggregate structure
     C                   MOVEL     PROFILESTRUCT PROF3
     C* Set the keywords in the rule array                         *
     C                   MOVEL     'INIT-AC '    RULEARRAY
     C                   MOVE      'REPLACE '    RULEARRAY
     C                   Z-ADD     2             RULEARRAYCNT
     C* Call Access_Control_Initialize SAPI
     C                   CALLP     CSUAACI       (RETURNCODE:
     C                                            REASONCODE:
     C                                            EXITDATALEN:
     C                                            EXITDATA:
     C                                            RULEARRAYCNT:
     C                                            RULEARRAY:
     C                                            VERBDATALEN1:
     C                                            VERBDATA1:
     C                                            VERBDATALEN2:
     C                                            VERBDATA2)
     C*   *------------------------*
     C*   * Check the return code  *
     C*   *------------------------*
     C     RETURNCODE    IFGT      0
     C*     *------------------------*
     C*     * Send failure message   *
     C*     *------------------------*
     C                   MOVEL     MSG(1)        MSGTEXT
     C                   MOVE      RETURNCODE    FAILRETC
     C                   MOVE      REASONCODE    FAILRSNC
     C                   MOVEL     'CSUAACI'     SAPI
     C                   EXSR      SNDMSG
     C                   RETURN
     C                   ELSE
     C*     *------------------------*
     C*     * Send success message   *
     C*     *------------------------*
     C                   MOVEL     MSG(2)        MSGTEXT
     C                   EXSR      SNDMSG
     C                   ENDIF
     C* Change the Default Role                                    *
     C*    Set the Role name
     C                   MOVEL     DEFAULT       ROLE
     C*  *--------------------------------------------------------
     C*  * Set Access Control Points for DEFAULT
     C*  *
     C*  *--------------------------------------------------------
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1A = X'0003F01D00000000'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1B = X'8000000000000000'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1C = X'000A8000881F7110'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1D = X'1004021180000000'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP1E = X'FF7F406B80'
     C                   EVAL      BITMAP2  = X'000000000000E60F'
     C*    Copy role into aggregate structure
     C                   MOVEL     ROLESTRUCT    ROLE1
     C*    Set the new verb data 2 length
     C                   Z-ADD     117           VERBDATALEN2
     C*    Set the verb data 1 length to 0 (No profiles)
     C                   Z-ADD     0             VERBDATALEN1
     C*    Change the number of roles to 1
     C                   Z-ADD     1             NUMROLES
     C* Call Access_Control_Initialize SAPI
     C                   CALLP     CSUAACI       (RETURNCODE:
     C                                            REASONCODE:
     C                                            EXITDATALEN:
     C                                            EXITDATA:
     C                                            RULEARRAYCNT:
     C                                            RULEARRAY:
     C                                            VERBDATALEN1:
     C                                            VERBDATA1:
     C                                            VERBDATALEN2:
     C                                            VERBDATA2)
     C* Check the return code *
     C     RETURNCODE    IFGT      0
     C*     *------------------------*
     C*     * Send failure message   *
     C*     *------------------------*
     C                   MOVEL     MSG(1)        MSGTEXT
     C                   MOVE      RETURNCODE    FAILRETC
     C                   MOVE      REASONCODE    FAILRSNC
     C                   MOVEL     'CSUAACI'     SAPI
     C                   EXSR      SNDMSG
     C                   ELSE
     C*     *------------------------*
     C*     * Send success message   *
     C*     *------------------------*
     C                   MOVEL     MSG(3)        MSGTEXT
     C                   EXSR      SNDMSG
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   SETON                                            LR
     C* Subroutine to send a message
     C     SNDMSG        BEGSR
     C                   CALL      'QMHSNDPM'
     C                   PARM                    MESSAGEID
     C                   PARM                    MESSAGEFILE
     C                   PARM                    MSGTEXT
     C                   PARM                    MSGLENGTH
     C                   PARM                    MSGTYPE
     C                   PARM                    STACKENTRY
     C                   PARM                    STACKCOUNTER
     C                   PARM                    MSGKEY
     C                   PARM                    ERRCODE
     C                   ENDSR
     C* Subroutine to Hash pass-phrase
     C     HASHMSG       BEGSR
     C*   *------------------------------------------*
     C*   * Set the keywords in the rule array       *
     C*   *------------------------------------------*
     C                   MOVEL     'SHA-1   '    RULEARRAY
     C                   Z-ADD     1             RULEARRAYCNT
     C*   *-------------------------*
     C*   * Call One Way Hash SAPI  *
     C*   *-------------------------*
     C                   CALLP     CSNBOWH       (RETURNCODE:
     C                                            REASONCODE:
     C                                            EXITDATALEN:
     C                                            EXITDATA:
     C                                            RULEARRAYCNT:
     C                                            RULEARRAY:
     C                                            TEXTLEN:
     C                                            TEXT:
     C                                            CHAINVCTLEN:
     C                                            CHAINVCT:
     C                                            HASHLEN:
     C                                            AUTHDATA)
     C*  *------------------------*
     C*  * Check the return code  *
     C*  *------------------------*
     C     RETURNCODE    IFGT      0
     C*     *-----------------------*
     C*     *  Send failure message *
     C*     *-----------------------*
     C                   MOVEL     MSG(1)        MSGTEXT
     C                   MOVE      RETURNCODE    FAILRETC
     C                   MOVE      REASONCODE    FAILRSNC
     C                   MOVEL     'CSNBOWH'     SAPI
     C                   EXSR      SNDMSG
     C                   SETON                                            05
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   ENDSR
CSUAACI failed with return/reason codes 9999/9999.
SECOFR1, SECOFR2, and SECOFR3 profiles were successfully created.
The Default role was successfully changed.