Configuring LUN level switching in the HyperSwap enviroment on IBM i
Perform the following steps to set up the LUN level switching in an IASP-based HyperSwap® environment on the IBM® i partition:
- Pause PPRC with the pausepprc command on the DS8000 from the DSCLI.
- Create the IASP with the Configure Device ASP (CFGDEVASP) command. To see the units for the IASP, use the Display HyperSwap Status (DSPHYSSTS) command.
- Resume replication with the Change HyperSwap Status command, CHGHYSSTS OPTION(*START) ASPDEV(iasp-name).
- Create the cluster, the device domain, and device CRG to control the switching. All nodes in the recovery domain of the device CRG must be in the same device domain.
- Create the ASP device description on the backup node.
- Use the Add ASP Copy Description (ADDASPCPYD) command to configure both LUN level switching and HyperSwap. The nodes, host connections, and volume groups, which can access the IASP are entered in the recovery domain parameter. The storage host information, LUN ranges, and recovery domain information for the second DS8000® in the HyperSwap relationship are entered by using the STGHOST2, LUN2, and RCYDMN2 parameters.
- Create an ASP copy description for every ASP device that is to use LUN level switching with HyperSwap. All ASP devices in the cluster resource group must be defined by a separate ASP copy description.
- Verify the HyperSwap configuration using the Display HyperSwap Status (DSPHYSSTS) command and the correct ASP copy description configuration using the Display ASP Copy Description (DSPASPCPYD) command. To see the new units for the IASP, use the Display HyperSwap Status (DSPHYSSTS) command.