Related information for Implementing high availability
Product manuals, IBM® Redbooks® publications, websites, and other information center topic collections contain information that relates to the High availability topic collection. You also can find related information about implementing independent disk pools, PowerHA® technologies, and disaster recovery. You can view or print any of the PDF files.
IBM Redbooks
- IBM i and IBM Storwize® Family: A Practical Guide to Usage Scenarios
- IBM i and IBM System Storage®: A Guide to Implementing External Disks on IBM i
- Implementing PowerHA for IBM i
- Introduction to Storage Area Networks
- iSeries in Storage Area Networks: A Guide to Implementing FC Disk and Tape with iSeries
- PowerHA SystemMirror® for IBM i Cookbook
- Simple Configuration Example for Storwize V7000 FlashCopy® and PowerHA SystemMirror for i
- High availability with IBM PowerHA This is the IBM site for High Availability and Clusters for i, UNIX, and Linux.
- IBM i
- IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for i
- IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for i wiki
- IBM Storage
- Power® Services
This IBM site contains the Systems lab services and training that is offered for IBM i.
- IBM System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC)
- IBM Techdocs Library
This site gives you access to the most current installation, planning, and technical support information available from IBM pre-sales support, and is constantly updated. Look for the latest and greatest technical documents on high availability, independent disk pools, SAP, JD Edwards, etc.
- Learning Services US
This is the IBM site for IT product training, custom solutions, and e-Learning. You can search for courses that are offered on clustering and independent disk pools.
- Performance Management on IBM i
- Recommended fixes
This site provides links to available PTFs for several IBM i products. For PTFs related to high availability, select the topic High Availability: Cluster, IASP, XSM, and Journal.