WINDOW (Window) keyword for display files

You use this record-level keyword to specify that the record format you are defining will be displayed using a window.

A window is information that overlays part of the display. A window is typically smaller than the actual workstation display, and can be positioned anywhere on the display.

The WINDOW keyword has two formats that can be used. These formats do the following tasks:
  • Define a window by specifying the location and size of a window; this is known as a window definition record.
  • Refer to a record format name where the window location and size have been defined; this is known as a window-reference record.
The format for the keyword is specified as follows:
WINDOW(start-line | &start-line-field start-position
| &start-position-field window-lines window-positions
WINDOW(*DFT window-lines window-position

Specify this format of the WINDOW keyword to define a window. The record format you are defining is displayed in this window. Up to 12 windows can be shown on the display at one time. You can define more than 12 windows in DDS, but only 12 can be displayed at the same time. However, if USRRSTDSP is specified, the number of windows is unlimited. All fields defined in this record must fit within the window.

The parameters specify the following items:
  • The number or the name of a field containing the number of the line that is to contain the upper-left corner of the window border. If a field name is specified, the field must exist in the record format and the field must be defined as a signed numeric (data type S) and program-to-system (usage P) field with length no greater than 3.
  • The number or the name of a field containing the number of the position that is to contain the upper-left corner of the window border. If a field name is specified, the field must exist in the record format and the field must be defined as a signed numeric (data type S) and program-to-system (usage P) field with length no greater than 3.
  • The number of window-lines within the window. The window-lines can be no more than the available lines for the display size minus 2. This is because the upper and lower window borders each occupy one line.

    The last window-line in a window is used as the message line and cannot contain any fields. For example, if a WINDOW keyword is coded that specifies 10 window-lines for the window, only nine of those lines can contain fields; the 10th line is the message line.

  • The number of window-positions within the window. The window-positions can be no more than the available positions for the display size minus 4. This is because both right and left borders need an attribute byte inside the window. An attribute byte exists between the border character and the available window positions. For DBCS-capable windows, the system might need an additional 2 bytes on each side of the window for a shift-out character and shift-in character for any underlying DBCS fields.
  • The MSGLIN parameter specifies if a window contains a message line. If this parameter is not specified, the default is *MSGLIN. *NOMSGLIN moves the message out of the window and places it at the bottom of the display or where the MSGLOC keyword defines the location. The last usable line in the window is reserved for error messages; no records are displayed there. If the error message is longer than the line, it is truncated to fit.
  • The *RSTCSR parameter specifies if the user should be allowed limited function when the cursor is outside of the window. When *NORSTCSR is specified and the cursor is outside of the window, the user will be allowed to press a function key and have it function as if the cursor were within the window. When the user specifies *RSTCSR on a controller that supports enhanced interface for nonprogrammable workstations, the user will be able to move the cursor out of the window (except with a mouse). For other workstations, when the user attempts to press a function key while the cursor is outside of the window, the user will receive a beep and the cursor will be placed inside the window. Control will not be returned to the application. *RSTCSR is the default.

The special value, *DFT, specified in place of the start-line and start-position parameters, indicates that the system will determine the start line and start position of the window. The window is positioned relative to the cursor location, similar to application help windows with variable starting locations. More information about the rules the system uses to position the window can be found in the Application Display Programming bookLink to PDF.

The second format for the WINDOW keyword is WINDOW(record-format-name).

Specify this format of the WINDOW keyword to display the record format you are defining in a window that is defined on another record format.

The parameter specifies the record format name that has the window attributes specified. The record format that uses this parameter is displayed in the window defined on the referenced record.

The field locations specified within a record format with the WINDOW keyword are relative to the first usable window location in the upper-left corner of the window. The first usable window location is on the first line below the upper border and two positions to the right of the left border (an ending attribute byte occupies the first byte to the right of the border).

When a window is displayed, any records currently on the display are suspended if USRRSTDSP is not specified. The suspended records can be visible around the sides of the window. Input is allowed only within the active window. To remove the window from the display, a record can be written to an underlying window or a non-window record must be overlaid on the display.

The WINDOW keyword is not allowed on a record format that has any one of the following keywords specified:

Note: The WINDOW keyword is allowed on a record with the SFLCTL keyword. This allows subfiles to be displayed within a window.

WINDOW cannot be specified for the record format specified by the PASSRCD keyword.

The ERRSFL keyword is ignored for records that have the WINDOW keyword specified.

The MSGLOC keyword is ignored for records that have the WINDOW keyword specified, unless NOMSGLIN is specified.

If a record format has both a WINDOW and WDWBORDER keyword specified, specify the start-line, start-position, window-lines, and window-positions parameters on the WINDOW keyword. The WINDOW keyword should not specify the record-format-name parameter.

Option indicators are not valid for this keyword. However, display size condition names can be used.

Example 1

The following example shows how to specify the WINDOW keyword to define a window.

     A          R WINDOW1                   WINDOW(4 20 9 30 *NORSTCSR)
     A            FIELD1         8A  B  5 10
     A            FIELD2        10A  B  6 10
     A          R WINDOW2                   WINDOW(*DFT 9 30 *NOMSGLIN)
When the WINDOW1 record is displayed, the upper-left corner of the window border is on line 4 position 20 of the display. The lower-right corner of the border is located 10 lines lower than the upper border and 33 positions to the right of the left border.
  • Lower border line = upper border line + window-lines + 1
  • Right border position = left border position + window-positions + 3
The FIELD1 field starts 2 lines lower than the upper border and 11 positions (the ending attribute byte for the border character has been taken into account) to the right of the left border character (line 6, position 31 on the display).
  • Actual field line = upper border line + line number of field
  • Actual field position = left border position + position of field + 1

The FIELD2 field starts 6 lines lower than the upper border and 11 positions to the right of the left border (line 10, position 31 on the display).

If the cursor is moved outside of the window, the function keys will remain active.

When the WINDOW 2 record is displayed, the upper-left corner of the window border is at the cursor position during run time. The message line does not appear inside the window, it appears at the bottom of the display.

If the cursor is moved outside of the window, the function keys are inactive. If the user presses a function key, they will receive a beep and the cursor will be place within the window.

Example 2

The following example shows how to use the WINDOW keyword to display multiple records in the same window.

     A          R WINDOW1                   WINDOW(&LINE &POS 9 30)
     A            USERID         8A  O  2 10
     A            LINE           2S 0P
     A            POS            3S 0P
     A          R RECORD1                   WINDOW(WINDOW1)
     A                                      OVERLAY
     A            FIELD1         5A  B  7  2
     A            FIELD2        20A  B  8  5
     A          R RECORD2                   WINDOW(WINDOW1)
     A            FIELD3        10A  B  2  2
     A            FIELD4         8A  B  8  5
     A            FIELD4         8A  B  8  5

When the WINDOW1 record is displayed, the upper-left corner of the border will be at the line and position numbers specified by the LINE and POS fields. The lower-right corner of the border is located 10 lines lower than the upper border and 33 positions to the right of the left border.

The USERID field starts 2 lines lower than the upper border and 11 positions to the right of the left border character.

If RECORD1 (from the previous example) is displayed, it is placed within WINDOW1. Its fields are positioned with respect to the upper-left corner of the window. The fields from record WINDOW1 which were on the display remain because the OVERLAY keyword was used on RECORD1 and the two records do not overlap.

If RECORD2 (from the previous example) is displayed, it is also placed within WINDOW1. Its fields are positioned with respect to the upper-left corner of the window. Because the OVERLAY keyword was not used, the fields from records WINDOW1 and RECORD1 are removed from the window.

Example 3

The following example shows how to use the WINDOW keyword with a subfile.

     A          R SFLDATA                   SFL
     A            NAME          20A  B  4  5
     A            RANK          10A  B  4 27
     A            SERIAL         8A  B  4 38
     A          R WINDOW1                   SFLCTL(SFLDATA)
     A                                      WINDOW(8 25 10 50)
     A                                      SFLPAG(4)
     A                                      SFLSIZ(17)
     A                                      SFLDSP
     A                                      SFLDSPCTL
     A                                  2  5'Full Name'
     A                                  2 27'Rank'
     A                                  2 38'Serial Nbr'

When the WINDOW1 subfile control record is displayed, it and the subfile are displayed in a window. The upper-left corner of the window border is at line 8, position 25 on the display. The lower-right corner of the border is located on line 19, position 78.

The fields from both the subfile record and subfile control record are located with respect to the first usable window position in the upper-left corner of the window. For example, the NAME field in the SFLDATA record starts on the 4th window line and the 5th window position, which is the same as the 12th line on the display and the 31st position on the display.