Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No |
Parameters Examples Error messages |
The Remove Journaled Changes (RMVJRNCHG) command removes the changes that have been journaled for a particular journaled object. The journaled changes are removed from the object from the specified starting point to the ending point. The journal entries are processed in reverse of the order in which they were placed into the journal receiver, from the most recent to the oldest. The starting point can be identified as the last journal entry in the specified journal receiver range, the point at which an object was last saved, or a particular entry in the receiver range. The ending point can be the first journal entry or a particular entry in the specified journal receiver range, or the point at which an object was opened by a specified job. The CMTBDY parameter can be used for handling changes that are pending.
Note: No database object level changes are processed by RMVJRNCHG.
Note: The Display Journal (DSPJRN) command can be used to help determine the desired starting and ending points.
A list of journaled objects may be specified. The journaled changes for all objects are removed in the order that the journal entries are found on the journal (the reverse of the order that the changes were originally made to the objects).
If a journal code J entry type SX (Exit JRNSTATE(*STANDBY)) entry is found, the operation ends for all objects specified regardless of the OBJERROPT value specified. Objects may be only partially updated from the journal entries.
Additionally, the command can end for an individual object when journal entries list operations which cannot be replayed by the command. If this happens, the operation will continue for the other objects specified if OBJERROPT(*CONTINUE) is used. For example, the command ends for an object when a journal entry is found that indicates one of the following has occurred:
See the Journal management topic collection in the IBM i Information Center at http://www.ibm.com/systems/i/infocenter/ for a complete listing of the various entries and how they are handled by this command including those entries which can stop the command. Search for "actions of applying or removing journaled changes".
The command also ends for an object on illogical conditions. If the command ends due to illogical conditions and it is logically possible to restart the operation, you can issue the command again for that object, specifying a new starting sequence number. Be aware though, that most illogical conditions are the result of starting the remove at the wrong journal entry.
Journal entry changes can be removed even if the sequence numbers have been reset. The system handles this condition, sends an informational message, and continues the removal of journaled changes.
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Keyword | Description | Choices | Notes |
JRN | Journal | Qualified object name | Required, Positional 1 |
Qualifier 1: Journal | Name | ||
Qualifier 2: Library | Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB | ||
FILE | Journaled file identification | Values (up to 300 repetitions): Element list | Optional, Positional 2 |
Element 1: Journaled physical file | Qualified object name | ||
Qualifier 1: Journaled physical file | Name, *ALL | ||
Qualifier 2: Library | Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB | ||
Element 2: Member | Name, *ALL, *FIRST | ||
OBJ | Objects | Values (up to 300 repetitions): Element list | Optional |
Element 1: Object | Qualified object name | ||
Qualifier 1: Object | Name, *ALL | ||
Qualifier 2: Library | Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB | ||
Element 2: Object type | *FILE, *DTAARA | ||
Element 3: Member, if data base file | Name, *ALL, *FIRST | ||
RCVRNG | Range of journal receivers | Single values: *CURRENT, *LASTSAVE Other values: Element list |
Optional, Positional 3 |
Element 1: Starting journal receiver | Qualified object name | ||
Qualifier 1: Starting journal receiver | Name | ||
Qualifier 2: Library | Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB | ||
Element 2: Ending journal receiver | Qualified object name | ||
Qualifier 1: Ending journal receiver | Name | ||
Qualifier 2: Library | Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB | ||
FROMENTLRG | Starting large sequence number | Character value, *LAST, *LASTSAVE | Optional |
TOENTLRG | Ending large sequence number | Character value, *FIRST, *COMMITSTART | Optional |
TOJOBO | Fully qualified job name | Qualified job name | Optional |
Qualifier 1: Fully qualified job name | Name | ||
Qualifier 2: User | Name | ||
Qualifier 3: Number | 000000-999999 | ||
CMTBDY | Commitment boundary | *YES, *NO | Optional |
OPTION | Option | *NONE, *IGNINQMSG | Optional |
OBJERROPT | Object error option | *CONTINUE, *END | Optional |
OUTPUT | Output | *NONE, *OUTFILE | Optional |
OUTFILE | File to receive output | Qualified object name | Optional |
Qualifier 1: File to receive output | Name | ||
Qualifier 2: Library | Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB | ||
OUTMBR | Output member options | Element list | Optional |
Element 1: Member to receive output | Name, *FIRST | ||
Element 2: Replace or add records | *REPLACE, *ADD | ||
DETAIL | Detail | *ALL, *ERR | Optional |
FROMENT | Starting sequence number | 1-9999999999, *LAST, *LASTSAVE | Optional |
TOENT | Ending sequence number | 1-9999999999, *FIRST, *COMMITSTART | Optional |
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Specifies the journal that contains the journal entries being removed.
This is a required parameter.
Qualifier 1: Journal
Qualifier 2: Library
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Specifies a maximum of 300 physical database files whose journal entries are to be removed. The member in the physical file whose journaled changes are to be removed can also be specified.
Either the Journaled file identification (FILE) parameter or the Objects (OBJ) parameter must be specified, but not both.
Element 1: Journaled physical file
Qualifier 1: Journaled physical file
Qualifier 2: Library
Element 2: Member
Specifies the name of the member in the file whose journaled changes are removed. If *ALL is specified for the first element of this parameter, the value specified for the member name is used for all applicable files in the library. For example, if *FIRST is specified for the member name, journal changes are removed from the first member of all applicable files in the library.
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Specifies a maximum of 300 objects whose journal entries are being removed. The name of the member in the file whose journal entries are being removed can also be specified.
Either the Journaled file identification (FILE) parameter or the Objects (OBJ) parameter must be specified, but not both.
Element 1: Object
Qualifier 1: Object
Qualifier 2: Library
Element 2: Object type
Specifies the object type of the object that has its journal entries removed.
Element 3: Member, if data base file
Specifies the name of the member in the file that has its journal entries removed. If *ALL is specified for the first element of this parameter, the value specified for the member name is used for all applicable files in the library. For example, if *FIRST is specified for the member name, journal changes are removed from the first member of all applicable files in the library.
Note: If the specified object type is not *FILE, the member name element value is ignored.
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Specifies the starting and ending journal receivers used in removing the journaled changes. The system begins the removal operation with the starting journal receiver (specified by the first value) and proceeds through the chain of receivers until the ending receiver (specified by the last value) is processed. The values specified on the parameter represent journal receivers in reverse order from the order in which they were attached to the journal.
Note: The maximum number of receivers that can be included in a range of receivers is 1024. If more than 1024 receivers are included in the range specified, an error message is sent and no changes are applied. You can change the values specified on this parameter so that the limit is not exceeded.
Single values
Element 1: Starting journal receiver
Qualifier 1: Starting journal receiver
Qualifier 2: Library
Element 2: Ending journal receiver
Qualifier 1: Ending journal receiver
Qualifier 2: Library
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Specifies the journal entry used as the starting point for removing file changes that were journaled.
Note: You can specify a value for either the Starting sequence number (FROMENT) parameter or the Starting large sequence number (FROMENTLRG) parameter, but not for both.
If the restored version of the object was a version that was saved using the save-while-active function, then the system will start removing changes from the corresponding start-of-save entry whether or not this was actually the last save of the object. When using save-while-active, information needed for removing journaled changes is saved with the object and restored. When all objects specified on the remove command have been restored from save versions that used save-while-active, the system does not need to scan all the journal receivers to find the save points for the objects. This can improve the performance of the remove processing.
If the restored version of the object was a version that was saved when it was not in use (normal save), then the system also verifies that the date and time of the saved version of the object that is restored on the system is the same as the date and time that the object was last saved, as indicated on the journal.
If the dates and times do not match, no entries are removed and an inquiry message is sent to the user or system operator requesting a cancel or ignore response. If an ignore response is given to the message, the operation is attempted. A cancel response causes the operation to end, and no journal changes are removed.
If the object was last saved with the save-while-active function, the saved copy of each object includes all changes in the journal entries up to the corresponding start-of-save journal entry. In this case, the system removes changes beginning with the first journal entry preceding the start-of-save entry.
If the object was last saved when it was not in use (normal save), the saved copy of each object includes all changes in the journal entries up to the corresponding object saved journal entry. In this case, the system removes changes beginning with the first journal entry preceding the object saved entry.
Note: If any database file members were saved specifying *NOCMTBDY as the second element of the SAVACTWAIT parameter on the save command and are currently in a state where apply journaled changes is required, then *LASTSAVE must be specified.
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Specifies the journal entry used as the ending point for removing changes that were journaled.
Note: You can specify a value for either the Ending sequence number (TOENT) parameter or the Ending large sequence number (TOENTLRG) parameter, but not for both.
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Specifies the job identifier of the job that, when it opens an object that is specified, ends the removing of journal entries by this command. For example, the specified job could be a job suspected of causing errors when the job opens a file member. The first job open entry found for any of the specified objects, is the ending point for all the objects specified.
This parameter cannot be used to remove a specific job's journal entries; all entries for all jobs are removed.
Only objects of type *FILE have journal entries related to job opens. The TOJOBO parameter cannot be used if the object for which changes are being removed from was not recording open and close entries. For further clarification, refer to the Omit journal entry (OMTJRNE) parameter for the STRJRN, STRJRNPF, and CHGJRNOBJ commands.
Other values
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Specifies whether commitment boundaries are honored when the journal entries from which journaled changes are to be removed are part of a commitment control logical unit of work (LUW). More information on the use of commitment control is in the Database category in the IBM i Information Center at http://www.ibm.com/systems/i/infocenter/.
Note: For purposes of this parameter description, the TO option is used to describe either the TOENTLRG, the TOENT, or the TOJOBO parameter, whichever is specified.
Note: If a journal entry is encountered that causes the operation to end before the entry indicated on the TO option, commitment boundaries might not be honored.
Note: If CMTBDY(*NO) is specified and any object being applied to has been restored from a saved version that contains partial transactions, the changes pending for those partial transactions will not be removed if the transactions do not complete within the specified range. The object will only be usable if all pending transactions complete within the specified range.
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Specifies whether additional checking should be done prior to removing journal changes.
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Specifies how the processing of journal entries should proceed when an error situation is encounterd.
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Specifies whether a list of information about the objects to whom changes were removed is created. The information can be directed to a database file.
Note: You must specify the database file name on the File to receive output (OUTFILE) parameter when OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) is specified.
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Specifies the database file to which the information is directed when *OUTFILE is specified on Output (OUTPUT) parameter. If the file does not exist, this command creates a database file in the specified library. If a new file is created, the system uses QAJRNCHG in QSYS with the format name QJOAPYRM as a model.
Qualifier 1: File to receive output
Qualifier 2: Library
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Specifies the name of the database file member to which the output is directed when *OUTFILE is specified for the Output (OUTPUT) parameter.
Element 1: Member to receive output
If the member exists, you can add records to the end of the existing member or clear the existing member and add the records.
Element 2: Replace or add records
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Specifies the type of information that is directed to the spooled file.
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Specifies the journal entry used as the starting point for removing file changes that were journaled.
Note: You can specify a value for either the Starting sequence number (FROMENT) parameter or the Starting large sequence number (FROMENTLRG) parameter, but not for both.
If the restored version of the object was a version that was saved using the save-while-active function, then the system will start removing changes from the corresponding start-of-save entry whether or not this was actually the last save of the object. When using save-while-active, information needed for removing journaled changes is saved with the object and restored. When all objects specified on the remove command have been restored from save versions that used save-while-active, the system does not need to scan all the journal receivers to find the save points for the objects. This can improve the performance of the remove processing.
If the restored version of the object was a version that was saved when it was not in use (normal save), then the system also verifies that the date and time of the saved version of the object that is restored on the system is the same as the date and time that the object was last saved, as indicated on the journal.
If the dates and times do not match, no entries are removed and an inquiry message is sent to the user or system operator requesting a cancel or ignore response. If an ignore response is given to the message, the operation is attempted. A cancel response causes the operation to end, and no journal changes are removed.
If the object was last saved with the save-while-active function, the saved copy of each object includes all changes in the journal entries up to the corresponding start-of-save journal entry. In this case, the system removes changes beginning with the first journal entry preceding the start-of-save entry.
If the object was last saved when it was not in use (normal save), the saved copy of each object includes all changes in the journal entries up to the corresponding object saved journal entry. In this case, the system removes changes beginning with the first journal entry preceding the object saved entry.
Note: If any database file members were saved specifying *NOCMTBDY as the second element of the SAVACTWAIT parameter on the save command and are currently in a state where apply journaled changes is required, then *LASTSAVE must be specified.
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Specifies the journal entry used as the ending point for removing changes that were journaled.
Note: You can specify a value for either the Ending sequence number (TOENT) parameter or the Ending large sequence number (TOENTLRG) parameter, but not for both.
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This command causes the system to remove all journaled changes found in journal JRNA from member JAN of file PAYROLL in library LIB2 that are found on the journal receiver chain starting with receiver RCV25 and ending with receiver RCV22. Library search list *LIBL is used to find journal JRNA and receivers RCV25 and RCV22.
The removal operation begins with the last journaled change on the receiver chain and ends with the first journaled change.
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*ESCAPE Messages
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