Section 7. Recovery plan for mobile site

This topic provides information about how to plan your recovery task at a mobile site.

  1. Notify ____________ of the nature of the disaster and the need to select the mobile site plan.
  2. Confirm in writing the substance of the telephone notification to ____________ within 48 hours of the telephone notification.
  3. Confirm all needed backup media are available to load the backup machine.
  4. Prepare a purchase order to cover the use of backup equipment.
  5. Notify ____________ of plans for a trailer and its placement (on ____________ side of ____________).
  6. Depending on communication needs, notify telephone company (____________) of possible emergency line changes.
  7. Begin setting up power and communications at ____________.
    1. Power and communications are prearranged to hook into when trailer arrives.
    2. At the point where telephone lines come into the building (____________), break the current linkage to the administration controllers (____________). These lines are rerouted to lines going to the mobile site. They are linked to modems at the mobile site.

      The lines currently going from ____________ to ____________ would then be linked to the mobile unit via modems.

    3. This can conceivably require ____________ to redirect lines at ____________ complex to a more secure area in case of disaster.
  8. When the trailer arrives, plug into power and do necessary checks.
  9. Plug into the communications lines and do necessary checks.
  10. Begin loading system from backups.
  11. Begin normal operations as soon as possible:
    1. Daily jobs
    2. Daily saves
    3. Weekly saves
  12. Plan a schedule to back up the system in order to restore on a home-base computer when a site is available. (Use regular system backup procedures).
  13. Secure mobile site and distribute keys as required.
  14. Keep a maintenance log on mobile equipment.