To activate the save-while-active (SWA) feature, take the following steps:
Edit Backup Control Group Entries RCHAS400 Group . . . . . . . . . . : SAMPLE Default activity . . . . . *BKUPCY Text . . . . . . . . . . . *NONE Type information, press Enter. Weekly Retain Save SWA Backup List ASP Activity Object While Message Sync Seq Items Type Device SMTWTFS Detail Active Queue ID 10 *EXIT *DFTACT 20 LIBA *SYSBAS *DFTACT *ERR *NO 30 LIBB *SYSBAS *DFTACT *ERR *YES *LIB *NONE 40 LNKLIST *LNK *SYSBAS *DFTACT *NO *YES *LIB *NONE 50 *EXIT *DFTACT Bottom F3=Exit F5=Refresh F10=Change item F11=Display exits F12=Cancel F14=Display client omit status F24=More keys
If you specify a value other than *NO in the Save-while-active field, an entry appears next to it in the SWA Message Queue field . The default value for this field is *LIB, which instructs BRMS to use the message queue that matches the name of the library you want to save. You can also specify the name of the message queue that contains the checkpoint messages.
If you specify a value of *SYNCLIB, *SYNC, or *NWSSYNC, an additional entry appears next to the SWA Message Queue field, called the Sync ID field. The default value for this field is *NONE, which instructs BRMS there is no sync id to use for this save-while-active operation. This fields allows you to sync across multiple save jobs, all which will need to use the same id. An example on how to utilize this feature is found later in this chapter.