To set up
an MLB as a shared device, take the following steps:
Type WRKMLBSTS at a command line and press Enter.
Type a 5 (Allocate unprotected) in front of the MLB you want to use as
a shared device, and press Enter. A message appears at the bottom of the display
that indicates that you changed the status of this device.
To remove an MLB from shared status, type a 6 (Deallocate resource) in
front of the device you want to deallocate and press Enter. A message appears
that indicates that you have changed the status of this device.
Optical media libraries do not support being
set up as shared devices.
i5/OS determines how best to utilize the drives within
the tape library. When finished with the volume, BRMS issues the corresponding
command to remove the volume. For instance, when an output operation calls
for a scratch volume mount, BRMS determines an eligible scratch volume and
mounts the volume. After the operation completes, the MLB unloads the volume
(if specified in the command), and returns the volume to its correct media
inventory location.