Remote Procedure Call APIs

The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) APIs include:

These APIs are intended for programmers who develop distributed applications. They enable distributed applications to communicate with each other. Open Networking Computers (ONC) RPC was developed by Sun Microsystems and is used to easily separate and distribute a client application from a server by using the SUN RPC protocol. RPC includes a method of abstracting data, called eXternal Data Representation, or XDR, to allow communications to be abstracted at the API level.

Transport-Independent RPC (TI-RPC), or ONC+ RPC, is the latest incantation of RPC. It provides a method of abstracting the underlying protocol used at the network layer, providing a more seamless transition from one protocol to another.

Note: These functions use header (include) files from the library QSYSINC, which is optionally installable. Make sure QSYSINC is installed on your system before using any of the functions. See Header Files for Remote Procedure Call APIs for the file and member name of each header file.

The following terms relate to the RPC applications:

RPCBind A daemon program that allows client programs to obtain the aress of a service that is registered with the RPCBind daemon.
RPCGen A compiler that accepts a remote-program interface definition written in the RPC language (RPCL), which is similar to the C programming language. From this definition, RPCGen produces C-language output for client stub functions, a server skeleton, XDR filter routines, and a header file.

For more information about RPCBind and RPCGen, see the Control language topic collection.

For more information about these APIs, see the Using Sun TI-RPC to develop distributed applications topic collection.

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