System requirements

Review the system requirements for deploying Red Hat® Service Interconnect gateways in IBM Hybrid Cloud Mesh (Mesh), including port connectivity and minimum CPU and memory requirements.

Port connectivity

Some public cloud providers disable outbound connectivity by default, which can prevent Mesh from deploying Service Interconnect edge gateways. To deploy Service Interconnect edge gateways, you must allow outbound connections to the following ports in your cluster environment:
  • 443
  • 31472

Minimum required CPU and memory resources

The Kubernetes clusters in your deployment environments need sufficient CPU and memory resources to move the pods that are required for Service Interconnect edge gateways to a Running state. If these clusters don't have enough resources, the gateway pods remain in the Pending state on the cluster and the gateway doesn’t move to Operational state in the Mesh console.

The following table shows the minimum CPU and memory resources that must be available to run the Service Interconnect edge pods for the different sizes of the Service Interconnect edge router:

Router size Minimum CPU resources (millicores) Minimum memory resources (MiB)
small 300 300
medium 400 300
large 600 300