Creating internal secrets

If you use an internal secrets manager with IBM® Hybrid Cloud Mesh (Mesh), you must create internal secrets.

Before you begin

Before you create internal secrets, you must set the type of the secrets manager strategy to internal. For more information about configuring the secrets manager, see Configuring the secrets manager.


  1. Create a YAML file that contains the following attributes:
    Attribute Description
    name The name of the internal secret.
    type The type of the cloud that you select.
    secret:apikey An API key for the IBM Cloud® account.
    resource_group_id The ID of the resource group.

    For example, create a YAML file that is called secret_int.yaml.

    name: my-ibm-secret-internal
    type: cloud-ibm
     apikey: "FuW6Nf2-_KKMBDM2vyJyL2ASaRpQts5xg9zWPy"
    resource_group_id: default-infra
  2. To create an internal secret, run a command like this:
    palmctl create secret -f secret_int.yaml

    Output similar to the following example is shown:

    name: my-ibm-secret-internal
    resource_group_id: default-infra
    secret_manager_type: internal
    type: cloud-ibm