Deleting Service Interconnect edge gateways with the CLI

Use the IBM® Hybrid Cloud Mesh (Mesh) CLI to delete Red Hat® Service Interconnect gateways from your deployment environment.

About this task

If the gateway is deployed, you must first unlink the gateway from the namespace before you can delete the gateway.
Warning: When you try to delete a gateway that is linked to a namespace, the gateway is not deleted.


  1. To unlink the gateway from the namespace, run a patch command like this:
    cat << EOM | palmctl patch namespace --name <namespace_name> --cloud-name <cloud_name> --cluster-name <cluster_name> -f -
    gateway_id: ""
  2. Watch the health status of your gateway by running a command like this:
    watch -n 1 "palmctl get gateway --name <gateway_name> | yq  '.health_status'"

    Before you proceed to step 3, you must wait until the health status of the gateway shows as notdeployed.

  3. Delete the gateway by running a command like this:
    palmctl delete gateway --name <gateway_name>
    Note: The deletion of a gateway can take several minutes. Do not do any operations on the gateway in the CLI until the gateway is deleted.
  4. To verify that the gateway is deleted, run a command like this:
    watch -n 1 "palmctl get gateway --name <gateway_name>"

    If the gateway was successfully deleted, output that is similar to the following example is shown:

    [ERROR] gateway with name <gateway_name> not found