Use the IBM® Hybrid Cloud Mesh (Mesh) CLI to
delete Red Hat® Service Interconnect gateways from your deployment environment.
About this task
If the gateway is deployed, you must first unlink the gateway from the namespace before you
can delete the gateway.Warning: When you try to delete a gateway that is linked to a
namespace, the gateway is not deleted.
- To unlink the gateway from the namespace, run a
command like
cat << EOM | palmctl patch namespace --name <namespace_name> --cloud-name <cloud_name> --cluster-name <cluster_name> -f -
gateway_id: ""
- Watch the health status of your gateway by running a command like this:
watch -n 1 "palmctl get gateway --name <gateway_name> | yq '.health_status'"
Before you proceed to step 3, you must wait until
the health status of the gateway shows as notdeployed
- Delete the gateway by running a command like this:
palmctl delete gateway --name <gateway_name>
Note: The deletion of a gateway can take several minutes. Do not do any operations on the gateway in
the CLI until the gateway is deleted.
- To verify that the gateway is deleted, run a command like this:
watch -n 1 "palmctl get gateway --name <gateway_name>"
If the gateway was successfully deleted, output that is similar to the following example is
[ERROR] gateway with name <gateway_name> not found