Installing the CLI

Download and install the latest version of the IBM® Hybrid Cloud Mesh (Mesh) palmctl CLI. You can also verify the installation and uninstall it when required.

About this task

For information about the platforms that you can install the palmctl CLI on, see Supported platforms and software.


Remember: If you are upgrading to a new version of palmctl, you must first uninstall any versions of palmctl that were previously installed. For more information, see Uninstalling the CLI.

To download and install the CLI, complete one of the following instructions, depending on your operating system:

Red Hat® Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
Run these commands:
sudo rpm -i "$PWD/$PALMCTL_FILE_NAME"
Note: To enable autocompletion in the zsh or fish shells, see the output of the sudo ./palmctl/ command.
Run these commands:
sudo apt install "$PWD/$PALMCTL_FILE_NAME"
Mac OS X AMD64
Run these commands:
sudo ./palmctl/
source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/bash_palmctl_completion
Mac OS X ARM64
Run these commands:
sudo ./palmctl/
source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/bash_palmctl_completion
Note: If you download the palmctl package by using your browser and run on Mac OS X, you might see an error message like this "palmctl" cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified. To enable it, open System Settings, and go to the Privacy & Security tab. Under the Security section, where you see "palmctl" was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer, click Allow Anyway. The palmctl Mac OS X package might be notarized in a future release.
Complete these steps:
  1. Download the latest archive from palmctl CLI tool.
  2. Double-click the archive file to decompress and extract the contents.
  3. Open the command prompt and navigate to the palmctl folder.
  4. Run install.bat.
  5. Optional: If you use PowerShell, enter “Y” when you are prompted Do you want to install powershell completion for palmctl[Y/N]?.
    Important: If you want to use the completion feature for the Windows PowerShell console, you must set the PowerShell execution policy to allow scripts to run. You can set the execution policy by running the following command in a PowerShell console:
    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

What to do next

To verify that the Mesh CLI installation is complete, run the following command:

palmctl --version