Adding users

When you subscribe to IBM® Hybrid Cloud Mesh (Mesh) a tenant is created for you and a user is designated as a tenant administrator. This user can add users and assign roles and access permissions within their tenant.

Before you can add users and give them appropriate permissions, the users must complete the following steps:
  • Create an IBMid.
  • Subscribe to Mesh at My IBM.

Adding a user

To add a user, complete the following steps on the Mesh console home page:
  1. Click Manage > Identities.
  2. Click Create identity to add a user to the system and define its role.
    1. Enter the name and email ID for the new identity, then click Next.
    2. Select the roles that you want to assign to the new identity, then click Add. You can assign one or more roles to the identity.

      You can assign a role to one or more users. When you assign a role to a user, it gives the user all the permissions that are contained in that role.

  3. Click Create.

Creating a role with permissions

To create a role with permissions, complete the following steps on the Mesh console home page:

  1. Click Manage > Roles.
  2. Click Create role and specify the details of the role you want to create.
    1. Enter the name and description for the new role, and click Next.
    2. Define the permissions for the role by selecting the required permissions by resource type or by resource group.
  3. Click Create.
  • When you set permissions by resource group, you can grant permissions at the group level or at the resource level for each resource group. If you grant permissions at the resource level, the read permission for that group is granted automatically.
  • Two types of resource groups are available: application groups and infrastructure groups. Application groups contain related resources such as applications, services, deployments, connection access policies, and other resources. Infrastructure groups contain resource types such as gateways, deployment environments, partitions, and clouds. For more information, see Managing user roles, permissions, resource groups, and secrets.