
Attestation is a process that starts by default at virtual instance creation, ensures that the virtual server instance image is indeed built by IBM, and that it was not modified. This process also provides information and allows validation of any data that is provided to the instance at the time of deployment.

When you create a virtual server instance by using the IBM Hyper Protect Container Runtime (HPCR) image, the image uses an initial file system that is protected by encryption and signed by IBM Secure Execution (SE). For more information, see Confidential computing with LinuxONE. To know more about the attestation process, see this video.

The boot process creates a unique root disk encryption key to ensure protection of the root disk. To perform attestation, the virtual server instance image contains an attestation-signing key and the hash of the root partition at build time. The boot process validates the root partition. If the hash of the root partition does not match, the boot process does not continue because it assumes that the image was modified before boot. The attestation signing key is a random RSA 4 K key that is signed by an IBM root key that is maintained in Hyper Protect Crypto Services. The IBM root key is signed by Digicert.

During deployment of the virtual server instance, an attestation record is created. It contains hashes of the following items:

  • The original base image
  • The root partition at the moment of the first boot
  • The root partition at build time
  • The cloud initialization options

The attestation record is signed by the attestation key. As an extra protection layer, you can provide a public key during deployment, against which the attestation record is encrypted. The hash of this public key is added to the attestation record to ensure that the record can be viewed only by the compliance authority, and the expected authority can be easily identified through that hash.

Before you upload any workload to your instance, you need to validate the attestation record. After an instance is created, you can validate the attestation record within the created instance. Your instance must have access to the /var/hyperprotect directory. If so, follow these procedures:

  • The attestation record is signed by the attestation signing key.
  • The attestation signing key can be confirmed by the IBM intermediate certificate. The IBM intermediate certificate is signed by DigiCert, which is proven by the root certificate of DigiCert, thus completing the chain of trust.

The encryption and attestation certificates are signed by the IBM intermediate certificate and this has been signed by the IBM Digicert intermediate cert (which in turn is signed by DigiCert Trusted Root G4). For more information about the certificates, see DigiCert Trusted Root Authority Certificates.

Use the following procedure to validate the attestation record and hashes:

  • Obtain the attestation record se-checksums.txt and the signature file se-signature.bin from your IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers instance. To do so, you can implement your container to provide the attestation record and the signature file. The attestation record and the signature file are made available to your container in the /var/hyperprotect directory.

  • Get the IBM attestation certificate that is a part of the image TAR file.

  • Validate the attestation certificate by following the instructions here.

  • Extract the encryption public key from the encryption certificate by using the following command:

     openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in ibm-hyper-protect-container-runtime-24.3.3-attestation.crt >
  • Verify the signature of the attestation record:

    openssl sha256 -verify -signature se-signature.bin se-checksums.txt

    Note: Signature verification must be done on a decrypted attestation file.

  • You can now use the hashes from the attestation record for validation.

In case you provided a public key for encrypting the attestation record, the following script might help in decrypting the record.

# Example script to decrypt attestation document.
# Usage:
#   ./ <rsa-priv-key.pem> [file]
# Token Format:
#   hyper-protect-basic.<ENC_AES_KEY_BASE64>.<ENC_MESSAGE_BASE64>

if [ -z "$RSA_PRIV_KEY" ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <rsa-priv-key.pem>"
    exit 1
TMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
#trap 'rm -r $TMP_DIR' EXIT


# extract encrypted AES key and encrypted message
cut -d. -f 2 "$INPUT_FILE"| base64 -d > "$PASSWORD_ENC"
cut -d. -f 3 "$INPUT_FILE"| base64 -d > "$MESSAGE_ENC"

# decrypt password
PASSWORD=$(openssl pkeyutl -decrypt -inkey "$RSA_PRIV_KEY" -in "$PASSWORD_ENC")

# decrypt message
echo -n "$PASSWORD" | openssl aes-256-cbc -d -pbkdf2 -in "$MESSAGE_ENC" -pass stdin --out se-checksums.txt

In the case of a docker container, the file can be accessed by mounting /var/hyperprotect in the docker container. For example,

      - "/var/hyperprotect/:/var/hyperprotect/:ro"

In the case of a Podman container, the file can be accessed by mounting /var/hyperprotect in the Podman container. For example,

     - name: attestation
       readOnly: true
       mountPath: /var/hyperprotect:Z,U

The attestation document

The attestation document is available at /var/hyperprotect/se-checksums.txt, within the IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers instance. The other related files are also located in the same directory.

If user-data contains any other sections apart from workload, env, envworkloadsignature, and attestationpublickey, it will generate SHA256 for the respective sections. If user-data is encrypted, it will provide SHA256sum for the encrypted part of the user data sections like workload, env, and so on.

The following information is available at the /var/hyperprotect/ directory:

|-- cidata
|   |-- meta-data
|   |-- user-data
|   |-- vendor-data
|-- se-checksums.txt[.enc]
|-- se-signature.bin
|-- se-version
|-- user-data.decrypted
|-- workload
|-- env
|-- envWorkloadSignature
|-- attestationPublicKey

Checksums are the SHA256 of the message digest and can be calculated by using the following Linux command-line utility:

sha256sum <file>

The following snippet is an example of an attestation document:

Machine Type/Plant/Serial: 8562/02/4C598
0bf377eea1136f03cbd5fbb1f2d12bb9a40a3e9f97a8438196b549fdafd0786e root.tar.gz
4330056bbbf5d53d48fa167f0f46bf4501b8ee42bd926e1a8b6c25d210cd1baf baseimage
10e105cc6b96ceb40b84bebf9a9717f4b8ec2d5af64c95ebf5177ef77acbdd59 /dev/disk/by-label/cidata
d983daaf51a2d42b9f102afdf8751863d9668db8abf5148a59520169e171205c cidata/meta-data
595865b1fe21548e95abf65ecb5c4d54fe507ff2ef64d02ed1b1109848a7ed38 cidata/user-data
3bee754bb0c58bb691242b0d1787bc5b1f71d22885d9444b581e4b51adecac0d cidata/vendor-data
d5f677c156ef070df2685575c1a3ef4ebec5dfad02fa19239846adb1764918b7 env
2001d3ea193abbe23a4217effceec1ba4824a6e3c1a33396371244dbf8abaae9 workload
d388326d90583b2140831e821311aedaee1ad4b4e721b458f8769d3f9267b0dc attestationPublicKey

The following table describes each entry in the example attestation document:

Table 1. Entries in an attestation document

Entry Description
Machine Type/Plant/Serial Machine Type/Plant/Serial is the information required to obtain a Host Key Document for the secure execution VM. It reflects on which machine the secure execution VM is currently running.
baseimage The baseimage is the IBM internal QEMU Copy On Write Version 2 (QCOW2) file, which is used as the source for most of the operating system files of the Hyper Protect Container Runtime image. It is used only at image build time by the enabler process. The enabler uses this source together with other Debian packages to create the root.tar.gz and the encrypted secure execution kernel or 'initrd' image.
root.tar.gz The root.tar.gz is part of the final secure execution enabled IBM Hyper Protect Container Runtime image and contains all operating system files. It is stored on the image's first partition (boot partition) as /boot/root.tar.gz.
/dev/disk/by-label/cidata The /dev/disk/by-label/cidata is a block device that is attached to the running instance that contains the cloud-init files. For more information about Cloud-Init, see cloud-init documentation.
cidata All the files in cidata copied are from the /dev/disk/by-label/cidata block device.
attestationPublicKey The attestationPublicKey is the public key that you provide which is used to encrypt the attestation document. The attestationPublicKey is part of the user-data file. Encrypting the attestation document is optional.
workload Workload is a mandatory section. The workload persona provides information about the container (or workload) that needs to be brought up on the IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers instance.
env env is a mandatory section. The deployer persona works closely with IBM Cloud. The deployer then creates the env section of the contract. The env section has information that is specific to the IBM Cloud environment.
envWorkloadSignature envWorkloadSignature is an optional section and contains the signature of the other sections of the contract.

The following is the shasum of the ibm-hyper-protect-container-runtime-23.3.3.qcow2 (2.1.8) baseimage:

4330056bbbf5d53d48fa167f0f46bf4501b8ee42bd926e1a8b6c25d210cd1baf baseimage

The following is the shasum of the ibm-hyper-protect-container-runtime-23.11.1 baseimage:

91a35f5e428e47a0e627cfa905939a4b706eb1583de210c18158699bb9cd2d86 baseimage

The following is the shasum of the ibm-hyper-protect-container-runtime-23.3.3.qcow2 (2.1.8) root.tar.gz.

0bf377eea1136f03cbd5fbb1f2d12bb9a40a3e9f97a8438196b549fdafd0786e root.tar.gz

The following is the shasum of the ibm-hyper-protect-container-runtime-23.11.1 root.tar.gz.

b93352d005f0f0d6bcd396f8b74f43b654d7b9100b40f03b417c6952ba663307 root.tar.gz

Decrypting the attestation document

If user data contains a public RSA key (attribute: attestationPublicKey), then the attestation document (se-checksums.txt) is encrypted with the given key. The encryption is done by the same process as that of contract encryption. For more information, see Contract encryption. The public RSA key itself can also be encrypted like the contract.

The encrypted attestation document is then named se-checksums.txt.enc.

In the case of a docker container, the file can be accessed by mounting /var/hyperprotect in the docker container. For example,

      - "/var/hyperprotect/:/var/hyperprotect/:ro"

In the case of a Podman container, the file can be accessed by mounting /var/hyperprotect in the Podman container. For example,

     - name: attestation
       readOnly: true
       mountPath: /var/hyperprotect:Z,U

Understanding attestation flows

The following diagram shows two scenarios for attestation from the point of view of the auditor to validate that the deployment is the expected one. The left side of the diagram shows the establishment of trust by the auditor who is rooted on a third-party certificate authority. Any key used is kept in a Hyper Protect Crypto Service and signed in a certificate chain based on the third-party authority. The Build environment that is used by Hyper Protect is running in a trusted execution environment by using IBM Secure Execution Technology.

The result is a secure execution image that is seen at the end of the diagram, which is an encrypted secure execution image. To the right of the diagram, the validation of the deployment is outlined. For this, the auditor includes into the encrypted workload contract of the IBM Hyper Protect instance, the public key of a secret, which only the auditor has control over. Such secrets might be protected by appropriate means, like a Hyper Protect Crypto Service, HSM or just a random key. Only the Hyper Protect bootloader that is executed in the trusted execution environment provided through IBM Secure Execution for Linux on IBM LinuxONE, can run the secure execution image of IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers. The bootloader contains the secret to decrypt the contract.

During boot several hashes of components and measures of code are taken and added to the attestation record. To further protect this attestation record, the record is encrypted with the public key that the auditor provided. By doing so, only the auditor is in the position to decrypt the attestation record and can validate that the workload that is deployed in the enclave is the expected and untampered version of the workload that is expected to be deployed into the IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers instance.

Figure showing the attestation process

Figure 1. Attestation process