Worksheet: Planning for installing HLASM Toolkit Feature on z/VSE®

Before you begin the installation you should:
  1. Determine which of the following you are installing HLASM Toolkit Feature from:
    • A V2 Format tape (with one or more products besides HLASM Toolkit Feature)
    • A tape with just HLASM Toolkit Feature on it

    See What you receive with HLASM Toolkit Feature.

  2. Determine the product parts to be installed:
    • COMPID 569623401
    • Feature number 5882
    • Tape label unlabeled
    See Basic material.
  3. Verify that required software (and optional software, if appropriate) is at the level needed. See What you need to install HLASM Toolkit Feature.
  4. Verify that adequate storage is available. See DASD and other storage required.
  5. Determine how you are going to install HLASM Toolkit Feature:
    • Using Interactive Interface.
    • Using a batch installation job.

    See Planning where to install HLASM Toolkit Feature.

  6. Determine which of the following you want to install in:
    • Default library and sublibrary
    • A different library and sublibrary

    If using a different library and sublibrary, verify that space is sufficient. See Planning where to install HLASM Toolkit Feature.

  7. Check on latest service updates needed. See Program support.
  8. Plan to install Program Understanding Tool onto a workstation. See Planning for installing Program Understanding Tool on Windows.