Planning where to install HLASM Toolkit Feature

The HLASM Toolkit Feature default library is PRD2; the default sublibrary is PROD. All HLASM Toolkit Feature installation jobs assume you are using the sublibrary PRD2.PROD. To install HLASM Toolkit Feature in a different library and sublibrary, you must change some names in the installation jobs.

You might have selected PRD2 as a library because other products that work with HLASM Toolkit Feature use PRD2 as a default library. If you plan to install HLASM Toolkit Feature to an existing PRD2.PROD sublibrary, make sure there is enough free space to accommodate the additional library blocks.

To check the space, list the directory information of the PRD2 library, using the LISTDIR command of the LIBR program. Make sure there are sufficient library blocks in the free space.

You can use the Interactive Interface to install HLASM Toolkit Feature or the documented sample batch job.

All the sample batch jobs shown in this manual are supplied as .Z books in the installed library. They are also supplied as .I books for addition to ICCF library 62. If the product is installed using the Interactive Interface then these ICCF members are added to ICCF library 62 by the install process. These have the same name except, the fourth character is an I, for example there is ASMTVTOC.Z and its ICCF equivalent is ASMIVTOC.I.