Depending on the options in effect, High Level Assembler requires the following files, as shown
in Figure 1: Figure 1. High
Level Assembler Files
High Level Assembler requires
the following files:
An input file containing the source statements to be
In addition, the following six files might be required:
Library sublibraries containing macro definitions (for macro
definitions not defined in the source program), source code to be called for through COPY assembler
instructions, or both. One of the sublibraries might also contain a member (ASMAOPT.USEROPT) which contains an invocation assembler option list.
A file containing the assembly listing (if the LIST option is in
A file containing flagged statements and diagnostic messages. (only
if the TERM option is in effect). SYSLOG is normally assigned to the operator console.
A file containing object module output, normally for punching (only
if the DECK option is in effect).
A file containing object module output for input to the linkage
editor (only if the OBJECT option is in effect).
A file containing associated data output (only if the ADATA option
is in effect).
The files listed above are described in the text following Table 1. The
characteristics of these files, those set by the assembler and those you can
override, are shown in Table 1.
If you specify EXIT(PRTEXIT) and the user exit specifies the logical record length, the logical
record length returned is used. If you do not specify EXIT(PRTEXIT) or the user exit does not
specify a record length, the record length is set to 121 if SYSLST is assigned to disk or 133
The minimum record length allowed for SYSPRINT is 121, and the maximum allowed is
If you specify EXIT(TRMEXIT) and the user exit specifies the logical record length, the logical
record length returned is used. If you do not specify EXIT(TRMEXIT) or the user exit does not
specify a record length, the record length is set to 68. The maximum record length allowed for
SYSTERM is 125.