Output from the binder

SYSLMOD and SYSPRINT are the data sets used for binder output. The output varies depending on the options you select, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Options for controlling binder output
To Get This Output Use This Option
A map of the program modules generated by the binder. MAP
A cross-reference list of data variables XREF
Informative messages Default
Diagnostic messages Default
Listing of the binder control statements LIST
One or more program modules (which you must assign to a library) Default

You always receive diagnostic and informative messages as the result of linking. You can get the other output items by specifying options in the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement in your JCL.

The program modules are written to the data set defined by the SYSLMOD DD statement in your JCL. Diagnostic output is written to the data set defined by the SYSPRINT DD statement.