The simplest way to assemble your program on z/OS® is to code JCL that uses the cataloged
procedure shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. JCL for assembly,
using cataloged procedure
Identifies the beginning of your job to the operating system. jobname is
the name you assign to the job. accountno specifies
the account to which your job is charged, and progrname is
the name of the programmer responsible for the job. MSGLEVEL=1 specifies
that the job control statements connected with this job are to be
listed. Check what parameters are required at your installation and
how they must be specified.
Calls the cataloged procedure ASMAC. As a result, a number of
job control statements are included in the job from the procedure
library. ASMAC is described under Cataloged procedure for assembly (ASMAC);
an expanded job stream is shown there.
Specifies that the assembler language source program follows immediately
after this statement.
These statements cause the assembler to assemble your program,
produce a listing, and write an object module to the SYSLIN data set.
If you do not want an object module written to the SYSLIN data set,
use the following job control statements to assemble the program:
Figure 2. JCL for
assembly, using cataloged procedure, with NOOBJECT
Assembler Options: The second parameter (PARM)
specifies the assembler option NOOBJECT, which tells
the assembler not to write the object module to SYSLIN. For a full
discussion of assembler options, see Controlling your assembly with options.
Using your own JCL: The cataloged procedures might
not comply with your data processing requirements. Figure 3 shows sample job control statements
that you can use instead to assemble your program. Figure 3. JCL for assembly
Refer to Bibliography for a list of
JCL documents that describe additional techniques for specifying job
control statements and overriding cataloged procedures.