Binary constant—B

The binary constant specifies the precise bit pattern assembled into storage. Each binary constant is assembled into the integral number of bytes (see  1  in Table 1) required to contain the bits specified, unless a bit-length modifier is specified.

The following example shows the coding used to designate a binary constant. BCON has a length attribute of 1.
BCON     DC              B'11011101'
BTRUNC   DC              BL1'100100011'
BPAD     DC              BL1'101'
BFOUR    DC              B'1111 0100 1111 0100'
BTRUNC assembles with the leftmost bit truncated, as follows:
BPAD assembles with five zeros as padding, as follows:
Table 1. Binary constants
Subfield Value Example Result
1. Duplication factor Allowed    
2. Type B    
3. Type Extension Not Allowed    
4. Program type Allowed    
5. Modifiers      
  Length: 1 to 256 (byte length)
.1 to .2048 (bit length)
  Implicit length:
(Length modifier not present)
As needed B DC B'10101111'
C DC B'101'
L'B = 1  1 
L'C = 1  1 
  Alignment: Byte    
  Scale: Not allowed    
  Exponent: Not allowed    
6. Nominal value
Represented by:
Binary digits (0 or 1)
  Enclosed by: Apostrophes    
  Exponent allowed: No    
  Number of values per operand: Multiple    
  Padding: With zeros at left    
  Truncation of assembled value: At left