Step 9. Place the service into production
- If you have a High Level Assembler saved segment in use, you should
remove this saved segment before you place the service into production.
If you do not have a High Level Assembler saved segment in use, proceed to Step 9, substep 6.
Command Explanation q nss all
Command to display list of system data files that contain named saved systems (NSS) and saved segments.
- Remove system data file.
Command Explanation purge nss name asmapseg
Command to remove system data file containing the ASMAPSEG physical saved segment.
- Re-create the High Level Assembler saved segment.
- Prepare to build the segment.
- Set storage.
Command Explanation def stor 24M
This CP command defines the virtual machine storage to be greater than where the segment is loaded. If defining a saved segment above 16 MB then the virtual machine storage should be above 16 MB. In general the storage should be large enough to hold the segment.
If you are using SFS in this user ID, even if only for the A disk, and you are placing the ASMAPSEG segment below 16 MB at 920-9F0 then use a 'DEF STOR 24M' command. This will allow CMS control blocks not to interfere with the storage area to be used by the High Level Assembler saved segment.
- IPL the virtual machine without accessing the profile.
If IPLing with minidisks:
Command Explanation ipl cms parm clear nosprof instseg no mtseg no
Warning: Do not press ENTER at the VM READThis command clears your virtual machine and bypasses the execution of the system profile (SYSPROF EXEC) and the loading of the installation saved segment (CMSINST). access (noprof
Bypass the execution of the PROFILE EXEC.
If IPLing with SFS:
Command Explanation ipl cms parm clear nosprof instseg no mtseg no filepool vmsys
Warning: Do not press ENTER at the VM READThis command clears your virtual machine and bypasses the execution of the system profile (SYSPROF EXEC) and the loading of the installation saved segment (CMSINST). This assumes VMSYS
is the default filepool.access (noprof
Bypass the execution of the PROFILE EXEC.
- Access disks
Command Explanation access 5e5 b
Access the VMSES/E code. link MAINT 51d 51d mr access 51d d
Establish write access to the software inventory disk.
- Set storage.
- Issue the VMFBLD command to build the High Level Assembler segment.
Command vmfbld ppf segbld esasegs segblist ASMAPSEG (serviced
Options:- serviced
- Identifies build requirements and build those objects flagged as serviced in the service-level build status table.
- Prepare to build the segment.
- Review build message log
Command Explanation vmfview build
Command to review the build message log ($VMFBLD $MSGLOG). Correct any problems before going on. For information about specific build messages, refer to z/VM: Other Components Messages and Codes.
- Update the CMS System disk with the SYSTEM SEGID file.
The system segment identification file must reside on the CMS system disk (normally file mode S) and must be named SYSTEM SEGID so that it is available to CMS at initialization time. This allows CMS to recognize the logical saved segment name.
The file must also be copied to the test CMS system disk to prevent backlevelling during application of service.
The following functions can only be performed by authorized user IDs.
Command Explanation rel d (det
Release the software inventory disk.
Log on to MAINT user ID.
Command Explanation acc 190 t
Access the production CMS system disk (normally MAINT 190). acc 490 v
Access the test CMS system disk (normally MAINT 490). acc 51d d
Access the software inventory disk. copyfile system segid d system segid t2 (olddate replace
Copy file to production CMS system disk. copyfile system segid d system segid v2 (olddate replace
Copy file to test CMS system disk.
Options:- olddate
- Uses the date and time on each input file as the date and time of the last update of each corresponding output file.
- replace
- Causes the output file to replace an existing file with the same file identifier.
- Move service into production. You have now built the segment.
- Log on to MAINT if you plan to put High Level Assembler general-use code on the 'Y' disk (MAINT's 19E disk). Alternatively, log on to the user ID of the owner of the disk that will contain the production level of the High Level Assembler code.
- Link to High Level Assembler code and access MAINT's Y disk.
Choose which access is required depending on whether you have used a minidisk or SFS.
For minidisk access:
Command Explanation link P696234J 29e 29e rr access 29e e
Access High Level Assembler code on a minidisk. access 19e f
Access CMS's Y disk. For SFS access:
Command Explanation access vmsys:P696234J.HLASM.TBUILD e
Access High Level Assembler code on a SFS directory. access 19e f
Access CMS's Y disk. - Move High Level Assembler to the Y disk. If you have created a saved segment for High Level Assembler, then the only modules that should be copied by the VMFCOPY command are:
- ASMA90
Therefore the VMFCOPY command must be modified to copy only the five modules which do not reside in the saved segment.
If you have not created a saved segment then all the High Level Assembler modules should be placed onto the Y disk using the VMFCOPY command.
In both cases (saved segment or no saved segment), the ASMAMAC MACLIB should be copied.
Command Explanation vmfcopy * MODULE e = = f2 (prodid 5696234J%HLASM olddate replace
Refer to the previous note about which modules should be copied if you have created a logical saved segment. vmfcopy * MACLIB e = = f2 (prodid 5696234J%HLASM olddate replace
Options:- olddate
- Uses the date and time on each input file as the date and time of the last update of each corresponding output file.
- replace
- Causes the output file to replace an existing file with the same file identifier.
If you do not want to use the Y disk for general use code, log on as the owner of the disk where you will put the production level of the High Level Assembler code.
The VMFCOPY command updates the VMSES PARTCAT file on the 19E disk.
- Resave the CMS saved system This updates the shared Y-STAT (the saved Y disk file directory). If you have created a saved segment, it also updates the S-STAT (the saved S disk file directory) to reflect the updated SYSTEM SEGID file.
- Define named saved system
This creates a named saved system for CMS.
Command Explanation vmfsetup zvm cms
On z/VM®, allows access to the SAMPNSS EXEC which resides on MAINT's 193 disk. sampnss cms
Create named saved system for CMS. - Resave the CMS system
Command Explanation ipl 190 clear parm savesys cms
Resave CMS saved system to reflect the change to the S-STAT (the saved S disk file directory).
- Define named saved system