Sample exits provided with High Level Assembler (z/OS and CMS)

The following sample exits are provided with High Level Assembler:

ADATA exit:
The ADATA exit handles the details of interfaces to the assembler. It provides ADATA records to a number of filter routines, and also to exits which control the ADATA record output, or reformat ADATA records from new to old format.

The filter routines inspect the records to extract the information they require. This lets you add or modify a filter routine without impacting either the exit or the other filter routines.

The design of the exit:
  • Supports multiple simultaneous filter routines.
  • Simplifies the ADATA-record interface for each filter, because you do not need to be concerned about the complex details of interacting directly with the assembler.
  • Supports filter routines written in high-level languages.
  • Supports an exit to control the ADATA record output.
  • Supports an exit to reformat ADATA records from new to old format.
There are three components that make up the functional ADATA filter routine:
  1. The exit, ASMAXADT, which the assembler invokes.
  2. A table of filter-routine names, contained in a Filter Management Table (FMT), module ASMAXFMT. The exit routine loads the FMT.
  3. The filter routines. The exit loads these as directed by the FMT.

The functional ADATA exit, ASMAXADC, controls ADATA record output. ASMAXADC uses parameters specified on the assembler EXIT option to determine if it, or the assembler, will perform output processing for the ADATA records, and which record types are to be kept or discarded.

The functional exit, ASMAXADR, reformats ADATA records from the High Level Assembler Release 5 format, back to the Release 4 format. ASMAXADR uses parameters specified on the assembler EXIT option to determine which ADATA types are to be reformatted.

No exit modules are provided with High Level Assembler. Sample ADATA user exits (z/OS® and CMS) in the HLASM Programmer's Guide describes the exit and the input format of the exit routines.

Use the LISTING exit to suppress the High Level Assembler Options Summary section, or the Diagnostic Cross Reference and Assembler Summary section, or both from the assembler listing. The exit can also direct the assembler to print the options summary at the end of the assembler listing. You specify keywords as suboptions of the EXIT option to control how the assembler processes these sections of the listing.

The LISTING exit is called ASMAXPRT.

Sample LISTING user exit (z/OS and CMS) in the HLASM Programmer's Guide describes the exit and the keywords you can use to select the print options.

SOURCE exit:
Use the SOURCE exit to read variable-length source data sets. Each record that is read is passed to the assembler as an 80-byte source statement. If any record in the input data set is longer than 71 characters the remaining part of the record is converted into continuation records.

The exit also reads a data set with a fixed record length of 80 bytes.

The SOURCE exit is called ASMAXINV.

Sample SOURCE user exit (z/OS and CMS) in the HLASM Programmer's Guide describes this exit.