&SYSTIME System Variable Symbol
Use &SYSTIME to obtain the time at which your source module is assembled. It has local scope, but can be used in open code. It is assigned a read-only value.
The value of &SYSTIME is a 5-character string in the format:
where: - HH
- Is two-digit field that gives the hour of the day. It has a value 00 - 23.
- MM
- Is two-digit field that gives the minute of the hour. It has a value 00 - 59. It is separated from HH by a period.
- The time corresponds to the time printed in the page heading of listings and remains constant for each assembly.
- The value of the type attribute of &SYSTIME (T'&SYSTIME) is always U.
- The value of the count attribute (K'&SYSTIME) is always 5.