&SYSSEQF System Variable Symbol

Use &SYSSEQF in a macro definition to obtain the value of the identification-sequence field of the macro instruction in open code that caused, directly or indirectly, the macro to be called.

The local-scope system variable symbol &SYSSEQF is assigned a read-only value each time a macro definition is called from a source module.

The value assigned to &SYSSEQF is determined as follows:
  1. If no ICTL instruction has been specified and sequence checking is not active, the contents of columns 73 to 80 inclusive of the source statement are assigned to &SYSSEQF.
  2. If an ICTL instruction has been specified, but sequence checking is not active, the contents of the columns of the source statement to the right of the continuation-indicator column are assigned to &SYSSEQF. If the end column or the continuation-indicator column is 80, &SYSSEQF is assigned a null character string.
  3. If an ISEQ instruction with operands has been specified to start sequence checking, the contents of columns specified in the ISEQ instruction operand are assigned to &SYSSEQF.
  4. If an ISEQ instruction without an operand has been specified to end sequence checking, steps (1) and (2) are used to determine the value assigned to &SYSSEQF.
  1. The value of the type attribute of &SYSSEQF (T'&SYSSEQF) is U, unless &SYSSEQF is assigned a null character string, in which case the value of the type attribute is O.
  2. The value of the count attribute of &SYSSEQF (K'&SYSSEQF) is equal to the number of characters assigned as a value to &SYSSEQF. If &SYSSEQF is assigned a null character string, the value of the count attribute is 0.
  3. Throughout the use of a macro definition, the value of &SYSSEQF is considered a constant.