&SYSPRINT_VOLUME System Variable Symbol

Use &SYSPRINT_VOLUME in a macro definition to obtain the volume identifier of the first volume containing the data set to which the assembler writes the assembler listing.

The local-scope system variable symbol &SYSPRINT_VOLUME is assigned a read-only value each time a macro definition is called.

If the assembler runs on the CMS component of the VM operating system, and the assembler listing writes to a Shared File System CMS file, &SYSPRINT_VOLUME is assigned the value ** SFS.

If the volume on which the data set resides is not labeled, &SYSPRINT_VOLUME is assigned a null character string.
  1. If the LISTING user exit provides the listing data set information then the value in &SYSPRINT_VOLUME is the value extracted from the Exit-Specific Information block described in the section Exit-Specific Information Block in the HLASM Programmer's Guide.
  2. The value of the type attribute of &SYSPRINT_VOLUME (T'&SYSPRINT_VOLUME) is U, unless &SYSPRINT_VOLUME is assigned a null character string, in which case the value of the type attribute is O.
  3. The value of the count attribute of &SYSPRINT_VOLUME (K'&SYSPRINT_VOLUME) is equal to the number of characters assigned as a value to &SYSPRINT_VOLUME. If &SYSPRINT_VOLUME is assigned a null character string, the value of the count attribute is 0. The maximum length of this system variable symbol is 6.