&SYSPARM System Variable Symbol
The &SYSPARM system variable is assigned a read-only value
from the assembler option SYSPARM. It is treated as a global-scope
SETC symbol in a source module except that its value cannot be changed.
(See the chapter
Controlling Your Assembly with Optionsin the HLASM Programmer's Guide for information about assembler options.)
- The largest value that &SYSPARM can hold is 4064 characters. However, if the PARM field of the EXEC statement is used to specify its value, the PARM field restrictions reduce its maximum possible length.
- No values are substituted for variable symbols in the specified value, however, on z/OS® and z/VSE®, you must use double ampersands to represent a single ampersand.
- On z/OS and z/VSE, you must use two apostrophes to represent an apostrophes, because the entire EXEC PARM field is enclosed in apostrophes.
- If the SYSPARM assembler option is not specified, &SYSPARM
is assigned the default value that was specified when the assembler
was installed on your system.
If a default value for SYSPARM was not specified when the assembler was installed on your system, &SYSPARM is assigned a value of the null character string.
- The value of the type attribute of &SYSPARM (T'&SYSPARM) is U, unless &SYSPARM is assigned a null value, in which case the value of the type attribute is O.
- The value of the count attribute (K'&SYSPARM) is the number of characters assigned as a value to &SYSPARM. If &SYSPARM is assigned a null character string, the value of the count attribute is 0.
- If the SYSPARM option is passed to the assembler through the ASMAOPT file (CMS and z/OS) or Librarian member (z/VSE) and the option contains embedded spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes.