&SYSPARM System Variable Symbol

The &SYSPARM system variable is assigned a read-only value from the assembler option SYSPARM. It is treated as a global-scope SETC symbol in a source module except that its value cannot be changed. (See the chapter Controlling Your Assembly with Options in the HLASM Programmer's Guide for information about assembler options.)
  1. The largest value that &SYSPARM can hold is 4064 characters. However, if the PARM field of the EXEC statement is used to specify its value, the PARM field restrictions reduce its maximum possible length.
  2. No values are substituted for variable symbols in the specified value, however, on z/OS® and z/VSE®, you must use double ampersands to represent a single ampersand.
  3. On z/OS and z/VSE, you must use two apostrophes to represent an apostrophes, because the entire EXEC PARM field is enclosed in apostrophes.
  4. If the SYSPARM assembler option is not specified, &SYSPARM is assigned the default value that was specified when the assembler was installed on your system.

    If a default value for SYSPARM was not specified when the assembler was installed on your system, &SYSPARM is assigned a value of the null character string.

  5. The value of the type attribute of &SYSPARM (T'&SYSPARM) is U, unless &SYSPARM is assigned a null value, in which case the value of the type attribute is O.
  6. The value of the count attribute (K'&SYSPARM) is the number of characters assigned as a value to &SYSPARM. If &SYSPARM is assigned a null character string, the value of the count attribute is 0.
  7. If the SYSPARM option is passed to the assembler through the ASMAOPT file (CMS and z/OS) or Librarian member (z/VSE) and the option contains embedded spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes.