&SYSOPT_RENT System Variable Symbol
Use &SYSOPT_RENT to determine if the RENT assembler option was specified for the assembly of your source module. The RENT option instructs the assembler to check for possible coding violations of program reenterability. &SYSOPT_RENT is a Boolean system variable symbol, and has a global scope.
If the RENT assembler option was specified, &SYSOPT_RENT is assigned a value of 1. If the RENT assembler option was not specified, &SYSOPT_RENT is assigned a value of 0.
For more information about the RENT assembler option, see the section
RENTin the HLASM Programmer's Guide.
- The value of the type attribute of &SYSOPT_RENT (T'&SYSOPT_RENT) is always N.
- The value of the count attribute (K'&SYSOPT_RENT) is always 1.