&SYSLOC System Variable Symbol
Use &SYSLOC in a macro definition to generate the name of the location counter in effect. If you have not coded a LOCTR instruction between the macro instruction and the preceding START, CSECT, RSECT, DSECT, or COM instruction, the value of &SYSLOC is the same as the value of &SYSECT.
The assembler assigns to the system variable symbol &SYSLOC a local read-only value each time a macro definition containing it is called. The value assigned is the symbol representing the name of the location counter in use at the point where the macro is called.
&SYSLOC can only be used in macro definitions; it has local
- The value of the type attribute of &SYSLOC (T'&SYSLOC) is always U.
- The value of the count attribute (K'&SYSLOC) is equal to the number of characters assigned as a value to &SYSLOC.
- Throughout the use of a macro definition, the value of &SYSLOC is considered a constant.