&SYSLIST System Variable Symbol

Use &SYSLIST instead of a positional parameter inside a macro definition; for example, as a point of substitution. By varying the subscripts attached to &SYSLIST, you can refer to any sublist entry in a macro call operand, or any positional operands in a macro call. You can also refer to positional operands for which no corresponding positional parameter is specified in the macro prototype statement.

The local-scope system variable symbol &SYSLIST is assigned a read-only value each time a macro definition is called.

&SYSLIST refers to the complete list of positional operands specified in a macro instruction. &SYSLIST does not refer to keyword operands. However, &SYSLIST cannot be specified as &SYSLIST without a subscript. One of the two following forms must be used for references or as a point of substitution:
  1. &SYSLIST(n) can be used to refer to the n-th positional operand
  2. If the n-th operand is a sublist, then &SYSLIST(n,m) can be used to refer to the m-th operand in the sublist.
  3. When referring to multilevel (nested) sublists in operands of macro instructions, refer to elements of inner sublists by using the applicable number of subscripts for &SYSLIST.

The subscripts n and m can be any arithmetic expression allowed in the operand of a SETA instruction (See SETA instruction). The subscript n must be greater than or equal to 0. The subscript m and any additional subscripts after m must be greater than or equal to 1.

The examples show the values assigned to &SYSLIST according to the value of its subscripts n and m.
Macro instruction:
NAME     MACALL          ONE,TWO,(3,(4,5,6),,8),,TEN,()

Use Within a
Macro Definition:        Value               See note:
---------------------    ------------        ---------
&SYSLIST(2)              TWO
&SYSLIST(3,1)            3
&SYSLIST(3,2,2)          5

&SYSLIST(4)              Null                   1

&SYSLIST(12)             Null                   1
&SYSLIST(3,3)            Null                   2

&SYSLIST(3,5)            Null                   2

&SYSLIST(2,1)            TWO                    3
&SYSLIST(2,2)            Null

&SYSLIST(0)              NAME                   4
&SYSLIST(3)              (3,(4,5,6),,8)
&SYSLIST(11)             ()
&SYSLIST(11,1)           Null                   2
  1. If the position indicated by n refers to an omitted operand, or refers to an entry past the end of the list of positional operands specified, the null character string is substituted for &SYSLIST(n).
  2. If the position (in a sublist) indicated by the second subscript, m, refers to an omitted entry, or refers past the end of the list of entries specified in the sublist referred to by the first subscript n, the null character string is substituted for &SYSLIST(n,m).
  3. If the n-th positional operand is not a sublist, &SYSLIST(n,1) refers to the operand. However, &SYSLIST(n,m), where m is greater than 1, causes the null character string to be substituted.
  4. If the value of subscript n is 0, then &SYSLIST(n) is assigned the value specified in the name field of the macro instruction, except when it is a sequence symbol.
Attribute references can be made to the previously described forms of &SYSLIST. The attributes are the attributes inherent in the positional operands or sublist entries to which you refer. However, the number attribute of &SYSLIST (N'&SYSLIST) is different from the number attribute described in Data attributes. One of two forms can be used for the number attribute:
  • To indicate the number of positional operands specified in a call, use the form N'&SYSLIST.
  • To indicate the number of sublist entries that have been specified in a positional operand, use the form N'&SYSLIST(n).
  • To indicate the number of entries in nested sublists, specify the appropriate set of subscripts need to reference the selected sublist.
  1. N'&SYSLIST includes any positional operands that are omitted. Positional operands are omitted by coding a comma where an operand is expected.
  2. N'&SYSLIST(n) includes those sublist entries specifically omitted by specifying the comma that normally follows the entry.
  3. If the operand indicated by n is not a sublist, N'&SYSLIST(n) is 1. If it is omitted, N'&SYSLIST(n) is 0.

The COMPAT(SYSLIST) assembler option instructs the assembler to treat sublists in macro instruction operands as character strings, not sublists. See the section COMPAT in the HLASM Programmer's Guide for a description of the COMPAT(SYSLIST) assembler option.

Examples of sublists:
        Macro Instruction                N'&SYSLIST

        MACLST   1,2,3,4                     4
        MACLST   A,B,,D,E                    5
        MACLST   ,A,B,C,D                    5
        MACLST   (A,B,C),(D,E,F)             2
        MACLST                               0
        MACLST   KEY1=A,KEY2=B               0
        MACLST   A,B,KEY1=C                  2


        MACSUB   A,(1,2,3,4,5),B             5
        MACSUB   A,(1,,3,,5),B               5
        MACSUB   A,(,2,3,4,5),B              5
        MACSUB   A,B,C                       1
        MACSUB   A,,C                        0
        MACSUB   A,(),C                      1
        MACSUB   A,KEY=(A,B,C)               0
        MACSUB                               0