&SYSCLOCK System Variable Symbol
Use &SYSCLOCK to obtain the TOD clock date and time at which the macro was generated, based on Universal Time (GMT).
The local-scope system variable symbol &SYSCLOCK is assigned a read-only value each time a macro definition is called.
The value of &SYSCLOCK is a 26-character string in the format:
where: - YYYY
- Is a four-digit field that gives the year, including the century. It has a value 0000 - 9999.
- MM
- Is a two-digit field that gives the month of the year. It has a value 01 - 12.
- DD
- Is a two-digit field that gives the day of the month. It has a value 01 - 31.
- HH
- Is a two-digit field that gives the hour of the day. It has a value 00 - 23.
- MM
- Is a two-digit field that gives the minute of the hour. It has a value 00 - 59.
- SS
- Is a two-digit field that gives the second of the minute. It has a value 00 - 59.
- mmmmmm
- Is a six-digit field that gives the microseconds within the seconds. It has a value 000000 - 999999.
2001-06-08 17:36:03 043284
- The value of the type attribute of &SYSCLOCK (T'&SYSCLOCK) is always U.
- The value of the count attribute (K'&SYSCLOCK) is always 26.