
This glossary defines terms and abbreviations that are used in this book. If you do not find the term you are looking for refer to the index, to the glossary of the appropriate high-level language (HLL) manual, or to the IBM Dictionary of Computing, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994.

Abnormal end of application.
An SMP/E process that moves distributed code and programs to the distribution libraries.
To make a program available for use.
addressing mode (AMODE)
An attribute that refers to the address length that a routine is prepared to handle upon entry. Addresses may be 24 or 31 bits long.
address space
Domain of addresses that are accessible by an application.
Addressing mode.
Authorized program analysis report.
authorized program analysis report (APAR)
A request for correction of a problem caused by a defect in a current unaltered release of a program.
authorized program facility (APF)
The authorized program facility (APF) is a facility that an installation manager uses to protect the system. In MVS, certain system functions, such as all or part of some SVCs, are sensitive; their use must be restricted to users who are authorized. An authorized program is one that executes in supervisor state, or with APF authorization.
auxiliary file
In CMS, a file that contains a list of file types of update files to be applied to a particular source file.
The core product, upon which features may be separately ordered and installed.
Pertaining to activity involving little or no user action. Contrast with interactive.
The basic unit of storage addressability, normally with a length of 8 bits.
cataloged procedure
A set of control statements placed in a library and retrievable by name.
Custom-Built Product Delivery Offering.
IBM customer engineer.
TSO command list.
Conversational monitor system.
compiler options
Keywords that can be specified to control certain aspects of compilation. Compiler options can control the nature of the load module generated by the compiler, the types of printed output to be produced, the efficient use of the compiler, and the destination of error messages.
Software that is part of a functional unit.
A set of modules that performs a major function within a system.
condition code
A code that reflects the result of a previous input/output, arithmetic, or logical operation.
control block
A storage area used by a computer program to hold control information.
control file
In CMS, a file that contains records that identify the updates to be applied and the macrolibraries, if any, needed to assemble a particular source program.
control program (CP)
A computer program designed to schedule and to supervise the execution of programs of a computer system.
control section (CSECT)
The part of a program specified by the programmer to be a relocatable unit, all elements of which are to be loaded into adjoining main storage locations.
control statement
In programming languages, a statement that is used to alter the continuous sequential execution of statements; a control statement can be a conditional statement, such as IF, or an imperative statement, such as STOP.
In JCL, a statement in a job that is used in identifying the job or describing its requirements to the operating system.
conversational monitor system (CMS)
A virtual machine operating system that provides general interactive time sharing, problem solving, and program development capabilities, and operates only under the control of the VM/370 control program.
corrective maintenance
Maintenance performed specifically to overcome existing problems.
CP command
In VM, a command by which a terminal user controls his or her virtual machine. The VM/370 control program commands are called CP commands.
Command processor parameter list.
CP privilege class
In VM, one or more classes assigned to a virtual machine user in the user's VM directory entry; each privilege class allows access to a logical subset of the CP commands.
Consolidated software inventory data set.See SMPCSI.
Control section.
cumulative service tape
A tape sent with a new function order, containing all current PTFs for that function.
Custom-Built Installation Process Offering (CBIPO)
A CBIPO is a tape that has been specially prepared with the products (at the appropriate release levels) requested by the customer. A CBIPO simplifies installing various products together.
Custom-Built Product Delivery Offering (CBPDO)
A CBPDO is a tape that has been specially prepared for installing a particular product and the related service requested by the customer. A CBPDO simplifies installing a product and the service for it.
data definition name (DDNAME)
The logical name of a file within an application. The DDNAME provides the means for the logical file to be connected to the physical file.
data set
On MVS, a named collection of related data records that is stored and retrieved by an assigned name. Equivalent to a CMS file.
data set name (dsname)
The data set name on the DD statement in the JCL or the dsname operand of the TSO ALLOC command.
Double-byte character set.
Dynamic data definition.
Data definition name.
A value that is used when no alternative is specified.
DD statement
In MVS, connects the logical name of a file and the physical name of the file.
DELTA disk
In VM, the virtual disk that contains program temporary fixes (PTFs) that have been installed but not merged.
distribution libraries
IBM-supplied partitioned data sets on tape containing one or more components that the user restores to disk for subsequent inclusion in a new system.
distribution medium
The medium on which software is distributed to the user; for example, 9-track magnetic tape, tape cartridge.
distribution zone
In SMP/E, a group of VSAM records that describe the SYSMODs and elements in the distribution libraries.
DITTO utility
Data Interfile Transfer, Testing, and Operations utility.
double-byte character set (DBCS)
A collection of characters represented by a 2-byte code.
driving system
The system used to install the program. Contrast with target system.
Data set name.
dynamic data definition (DDDEF)
The process of defining a data set and allocating auxiliary storage space for it while, rather than before, a job step executes.
dynamic storage
Storage acquired as needed at run time. Contrast with static storage.
Extended control mode.
executable program
A program that has been link-edited and therefore can run in a processor.
The set of machine language instructions that constitute the output of the compilation of a source program.
Extended control mode (ECMODE)
A mode in which all features of a System/370 computing system, including dynamic address translation, are operational.
Extended Service Option (ESO)
A service option that gives a customer all the new fixes for problems in IBM licensed programs that operate under that customer's operating system.
A part of an IBM product that may be ordered separately by a customer.
feature number
A four-digit code used by IBM to process hardware and software orders.
A named collection of related data records that is stored and retrieved by an assigned name. Equivalent to an MVS data set.
File definition statement.
file definition statement (FILEDEF)
In CMS, connects the logical name of a file and the physical name of a file.
A correction of an error in a program, generally a temporary correction or bypass of defective code.
Function modification identifier.
A routine that is invoked by coding its name in an expression. The routine passes a result back to the invoker through the routine name.
function modification identifier (FMID)
The value used to distinguish separate parts of a product. A product tape or cartridge has at least one FMID.
IBM customer engineer (CE)
An IBM service representative who performs maintenance services for IBM hardware.
IBM program support representative (PSR)
An IBM service representative who performs maintenance services for IBM software at a centralized IBM location.
IBM service representative
An individual in IBM who performs maintenance services for IBM products or systems.
IBM Software Distribution (ISD)
The IBM department responsible for software distribution.
IBM Support Center
The IBM department responsible for software service.
IBM systems engineer (SE)
An IBM service representative who performs maintenance services for IBM software in the field.
initial program load (IPL)
The initialization procedure that causes an operating system to commence operation.
The process by which a configuration image is loaded into storage, as at the beginning of a work day or after a system malfunction or as a means to access updated parts of the system.
The process of loading system programs and preparing a system to run jobs.
Sequential execution of instructions, without branching to routines, subroutines, or other programs.
Initial program load.
Pertaining to a program or system that alternately accepts input and responds. In an interactive system, a constant dialog exists between user and system. Contrast with batch.
Interactive Interface
A series of panels, allowing the user to use the facilities of the VSE/ESA operating. This interface runs within CICS®/VSE.
IBM Software Distribution.
Job control language.
JCLIN data
The JCL statements associated with the ++JCLIN statement or saved in the SMPJCLIN data set. They are used by SMP/E to update the target zone when the SYSMOD is applied. Optionally, SMP/E can use the JCLIN data to update the distribution zone when the SYSMOD is accepted.
Job Entry Subsystem
Job Entry Subsystem
A system facility for spooling, job queueing, and managing the scheduler work area.
job control language (JCL)
A sequence of commands used to identify a job to an operating system and to describe a job’s requirements.
job step
You enter a program into the operating system as a job step. A job step consists of the job control statements that request and control execution of a program and request the resources needed to run the program. A job step is identified by an EXEC statement. The job step can also contain data needed by the program. The operating system distinguishes job control statements from data by the contents of the record.
In VSE, the set of programs that maintains, services, and organizes the system and private libraries.
A collection of functions, subroutines, or other data.
link pack area (LPA)
In MVS, an area of main storage containing reenterable routines from system libraries. Their presence in main storage saves loading time when a reenterable routine is needed.
linkage editor
A program that resolves cross-references between separately assembled object modules and then assigns final addresses to create a single relocatable load module. The linkage editor then stores the load module in a program library in main storage.
To create a loadable computer program by means of a linkage editor.
load module
An application or routine in a form suitable for execution. The application or routine has been compiled and link-edited; that is, address constants have been resolved.
logical saved segment
A portion of a physical saved segment that CMS can manipulate. Each logical saved segment can contain different types of program objects, such as modules, text files, execs, callable services libraries, language repositories, user-defined objects, or a single minidisk directory. A system segment identification file (SYSTEM SEGID) associates a logical saved segment to the physical saved segment in which it resides. See physical saved segment and saved segment.
Link pack area.
maintain system history program (MSHP)
In VSE, a program used for automating and controlling various installation, tailoring, and service activities for a VSE system.
Modification control statement
In VM, all, or a logical subdivision of, a physical disk storage device that has its own address, consecutive storage space for data, and an index or description of stored data so that the data can be accessed. Synonymous with virtual disk.
A language construct that consists of procedures or data declarations and can interact with other such constructs.
Maintain system history program.
Multiple Virtual Storage operating system.
multicultural support
Translation requirements affecting parts of licensed programs; for example, translation of message text and conversion of symbols specific to countries.
Named Saved System
A copy of an operating system that a user has named and saved in a file. The user can load the operating system by its name, which is more efficient than loading it by device number.
nonexecutable components
Components of a product that cannot be run.
non reentrant
A program that cannot be shared by multiple users.
See non reentrant.
named saved system
object code
Output from a compiler or assembler which is itself executable machine code or is suitable for processing to produce executable machine code.
object deck
Synonymous with object module, text deck.
object module
A portion of an object program suitable as input to a linkage editor. Synonymous with text deck, object deck.
Pertaining to a user's ability to interact with a computer.
Pertaining to a user's access to a computer via a terminal.
operating system
Software that controls the running of programs; in addition, an operating system may provide services such as resource allocation, scheduling, input/output control, and data management.
Data items that are received by a routine.
A fixed-size division of storage.
In VSE, the smallest complete unit of executable code that can be loaded into virtual storage.
physical saved segment
One or more pages of storage that have been named and retained on a CP-owned volume (DASD). When created, it can be loaded within a virtual machine's address space or outside a virtual machine's address space. Multiple users can load the same copy. A physical saved segment can contain one or more logical saved segments. A system segment identification file (SYSTEM SEGID) associates a physical saved segment to its logical saved segments. See logical saved segment and saved segment.
preventive maintenance
Maintenance performed specifically to prevent problems from occurring.
preventive service planning (PSP)
The online repository of program temporary fixes (PTFs) and other service information. This information could affect installation.
A named block of code that can be invoked, normally using a call.
procedure library (PROCLIB)
A program library in direct-access storage with job definitions. The reader/interpreter can be directed to read and interpret a particular job definition by an execute statement in the input stream.
Procedure library.
program level
The modification, release, version, and fix level of a product.
program number
The seven-digit code (in the format xxxx-xxx) used by IBM to identify each program product.
program temporary fix (PTF)
A temporary solution or bypass of a problem diagnosed by IBM as resulting from a defect in a current unaltered release of the program.
Preventive service planning.
IBM program support representative.
Program temporary fix.
A modifier that makes a name unique.
The attribute of a routine or application that allows more than one user to share a single copy of a load module.
See reentrant
relative file tape (RELFILE tape)
A standard label tape made up of two or more files. It contains a file of the MCSs for one or more function SYSMODs and one or more relative files containing unloaded source data sets and unloaded, link-edited object data sets at the distribution library level. A relative file tape is one way of packaging SYSMODs, and is typically used for function SYSMODs.
relative files (RELFILEs)
Files containing modification text and JCL input data associated with a SYSMOD.
Relative files
Relative file tape
relocatable load module
On CMS, a combination of object modules having cross references resolved and prepared for loading into storage for execution.
residence mode (RMODE)
The attribute of a load module that specifies whether the module, when loaded, must reside below the 16MB virtual storage line or may reside anywhere in virtual storage.
resident modules
A module that remains in a particular area of storage.
return code
A code produced by a routine to indicate its success. It can be used to influence the execution of succeeding instructions.
Related installation materials
Residence mode.
To cause a program, utility, or other machine function to be performed.
save area
Area of main storage in which contents of registers are saved.
Single-byte character set.
IBM systems engineer.
service level
The modification level, release, version, and fix level of a program. The service level incorporates PTFs if there are any.
saved segment
A segment of storage that has been saved and assigned a name. Saved segments can be physical saved segments that CP recognizes or logical saved segments that CMS recognizes. The segments can be loaded and shared among virtual machines, which helps use real storage more efficiently, or a private, nonshared copy can be loaded into a virtual machine. See logical saved segment and physical saved segment.
shared segment
In VM, a feature of a saved system that allows one or more segments of reenterable code in real storage to be shared among many virtual machines.
shared storage
An area of storage that is the same for each virtual address space. Because it is the same space for all users, information stored there can be shared and does not have to be loaded in the user region.
shared virtual area (SVA)
In VSE, a high address area of virtual storage that contains a system directory list (SDL) of frequently used phases, resident programs that can be shared between partitions, and an area for system support.
severity code
A part of run-time messages that indicates the severity of the error condition (1, 2, 3, or 4).
single-byte character set (SBCS)
A collection of characters represented by a 1-byte code.
The SMP/E data set that contains information about the structure of a user's system as well as information needed to install the operating system on a user's system. The SMPCSI DD statement refers specifically to the CSI that contains the global zone. This is also called the master CSI.
One or more files that can be electronically distributed, manipulated, and printed by a user.
software inventory disk
In VM, the disk where the system level inventory files reside.
source code
The input to a compiler or assembler, written in a source language.
source program
A set of instructions written in a programming language that must be translated to machine language before the program can be run.
System release identifier
In programming languages, a language construct that represents a step in a sequence of actions or a set of declarations.
In VSE, a subdivision of a library.
The value that specifies the function modifier (FMID) for a product level. It further specifies an entry in RETAIN* for a product level.
A secondary or subordinate system, or programming support, normally capable of operating independently of or asynchronously with a controlling system. Examples are CICS and IMS.
Shared virtual area.
The rules governing the structure of a programming language and the construction of a statement in a programming language.
system modification.
system modification identifier.
system abend
An abend caused by the operating system’s inability to process a routine; can be caused by errors in the logic of the source routine.
target disk
In VM, the disk to which a program is installed.
target libraries
In SMP/E, a collection of data sets in which the various parts of an operating system are stored. These data sets are sometimes called system libraries.
target zone
In SMP/E, a collection of VSAM records describing the target system macros, modules, assemblies, load modules, source modules, and libraries copied from DLIBs during system generation, and the system modifications (SYSMODs) applied to the target system.
text deck
Synonym for object module, object deck.
time sharing option/extended (TSO/E)
An option on the operating system; for System/370, the option provides interactive time sharing from remote terminals.
Time sharing option/extended.
In SMP/E, the command used to initiate changes to SMP/E data sets. Actual changes are made by subsequent UCL statements.
An alphanumeric identifier that specifies a product level.
user exit
A routine that takes control at a specific point in an application.
User modification.
user modification (USERMOD)
A change to product code that the customer initiates.
virtual machine (VM)
A functional simulation of a computer and its associated devices. Each virtual machine is controlled by a suitable operating system.
In VM, a functional equivalent of either a System/370 computing system or a System/370-Extended Architecture computing system.
An installation aid supplied as part of VMSES/E to make installation on VM consistent.
VM Serviceability Enhancements Staged/Extended (VMSES/E)
A program product for installing and maintaining products on VM.
VM Serviceability Enhancements Staged/Extended.
Volume serial number.
A certain portion of data, together with its data carrier, that can be handled conveniently as a unit.
A data carrier mounted and demounted as a unit; for example, a reel of magnetic tape, a disk pack.
volume label
An area on a standard label tape used to identify the tape volume and its owner. This area is the first 80 bytes and contains VOL 1 in the first four positions.
volume serial number (VOLSER)
A number in a volume label assigned when a volume is prepared for use in a system.
Virtual storage access method. A high-performance mass storage access method. Three types of data organization are available: entry sequenced data sets (ESDS), key sequenced data sets (KSDS), and relative record data sets (RRDS).