ASMIDF Options
Options may be turned on by:
<option> ON
SET <option> ON
SET OPT ON <option>
Options may be turned off by:
<option> OFF
SET <option> OFF
SET OPT OFF <option>
- 1ADSTop (CMS)
- When PER is enabled, treats the four address ranges as a single address range.
- Forces the target program to run in AMODE-24.
- Forces the target program to run in AMODE-31.
- AMODE64 (z/OS®)
- Forces the target program to run in AMODE-64.
- Displays a dump in ASCII.
- AUTOLoad
- ASMIDF should/should not automatically try to load LSM extract files when Statement stepping.
- AUTOSize
- ASMIDF should/should not resize window.
- Displays branches in extended mnemonics.
- CKSubcm
- Insures ASMIDF's Subcom is valid before running macros.
- CMDLog
- Logs user entered commands.
- CMPExit
- Indicates Exit is written in compiled code.
- COLors mhti
- msg/head/text/input
- COMmand
- PLIST for target is actually a command to invoke.
- DMS0 (CMS)
- Loads symbols that start with "DMS0".
- EXItexec execname
- Specifies the name of the EXIT EXEC that should be used to determine breakpoint applicability.
- FASTPath
- Uses fast version of PATH.
- FULLQual
- Symbolic addresses should always be fully qualified.
- HEXDisp
- Displays offset in hexadecimal.
- HEXInput
- Numbers without explicit base are hexadecimal.
- IMPMacro
- Permits implicit macros from command line.
- INVPsw
- Accepts invalid PSWs on a SET PSW command.
- ISA address (CMS)
- Defines the address of a 16-byte double-aligned interrupt save area.
- LIBE fn/$ (CMS and z/OS)
- Loads from specified DDname.
- LINE X'nnn' (CMS)
- Uses a terminal other than the virtual console.
- LSMDebug
- Displays LSM debugging information.
- LUname lu_unit (z/VSE® and z/OS)
- Defines the VTAM® logical unit name of the terminal used by IDF.
- Logs commands entered from macros.
- MODE xx (CMS)
- The CMDLOG and PATHDATA files are read from, or written to, the minidisk at the specified file mode.
- MODMap (CMS)
- Uses fn MAP before LOAD MAP for symbol information.
- Do not automatically try to load LSM extract files when Statement stepping.
- Do not automatically resize windows.
- NOBcx
- Do not display branches in extended mnemonics.
- NODSects
- Do not load symbols in DSECTs.
- Disallows the implied execution of macros from the command line.
- Does not accept invalid PSWs on a SET PSW command.
- Prefers the "LOAD MAP" file to the "modname MAP" file.
- NOProfil
- Do not run a profile macro.
- Do not put internal breakpoints at a NOP(R) after a BAL(R).
- Do not stop statement stepping when not in a statement.
- NOSVC97 (z/OS)
- Do not use SVC 97 for events.
- NUCext (CMS)
- Runs the program as a CMS nucleus extension.
- OFFSet
- Displays address in offset format.
- Uses the old operation of the Break command.
- PASspgm
- Passes program interrupts to the target.
- Displays the number of times each instruction has executed.
- PATHFile
- Writes the number of times each instruction has executed to a file.
- PROfile name
- Runs REXX procedure 'name' as the profile.
- QWDump
- Forces unformatted Dump display to begin on a fullword.
- RISk
- Ignores as many "errors" as possible.
- RLog
- Replays all previously logged user commands.
- ROWstyle
- Uses row style for display of registers.
- Uses simple border characters.
- SCDactiv
- Collapses ASMIDF Subcom before running target.
- SELFNucx symbol (CMS)
- The code is self-nucxloading.
- Places internal breakpoints at a NOP(R) after a BAL(R).
- STOPStmt
- Stops statement stepping when not in a statement.
- SVC97 (TSO)
- Uses SVC 97 for events.
- SWAp
- Enables the capture of a target program's screen image.
- SYStem (CMS)
- Runs the program in system key (key=0).
- TRACeall
- All instructions are traced in single stepped mode.
- Runs the program as a transient.
- UNFtdump
- Displays Dump in unformatted mode.