Building a keyword string
Failures in High Level Assembler can be described through the use of keywords. A keyword is a word or abbreviation assigned to describe one aspect of a product failure. A set of keywords, called a keyword string, can be used to describe the failure in detail. The procedures in this section will help you construct a keyword string that describes what you know about the product failure.
Information/Access or SoftwareXcel Extended can give you access to a computer-based abstract of the information in the software support database. This feature allows you to do your own search for previously recorded product failures before calling the IBM® Support Center.
After it is constructed, the keyword string is used as a search argument to search against an IBM software support database, such as the Software Support Facility (SSF). The database contains keyword and text information describing all current problems, reported through APARs, and associated PTFs. IBM Support Center personnel have access to the software support database and are responsible for storing and retrieving the information. They use the keyword string to search the database and retrieve records that describe similar known problems.
If the keyword string produces a match in the software support database, the search might yield a fuller description of the problem and possibly identify a correction or circumvention. Such a search might yield several matches with previously reported problems. Review each error description carefully to determine if the problem description in the database matches your problem.
If a match is not found, use the keyword string you have constructed to describe the failure when contacting the IBM Support Center for assistance. Keywords ensure that identical program errors are described with identical keyword strings. Spelling the keywords exactly as they are presented in this book is especially important for a successful match.