Review the worksheets in Choices to make now, and enter these options
and DDNAMES values into the sample job ASMAOPTS.
Edit and submit the sample job, ASMAOPTS, to change the default options. Consult the
instructions in the sample job for more information. This job is shown in Figure 1.
In area 1 use the REWORK option if you change the USERMOD
Specify REWORK if the USERMOD name will be reused every time and you do not prefer to
use the REJECT command before receiving the
Every time you re-apply the USERMOD, increment the value of REWORK using the form of
yyyyddd, where yyyy is the year (for example,
2008) and ddd is the day of the year (for example, 036 is the 5th
February). For more information refer to SMP/E Reference.
If you do not increment the REWORK option, then on subsequent APPLY commands the REDO operand is
required on the SMP/E APPLY statement.
In area 2 the ++VER may require a PRE(UKxxxxx) parameter on the
statement if any maintenance has already been applied to the product. Refer to SMP/E Reference and SMP/E Commands for more information.
In area 3 specify new default assembler values for options. The
sample shows ADATA=YES being selected as an example. Only include values
for options that you want to change.
In area 4 specify new default assembler values for DDNAMES. The
sample shows UT1=SYSUT2 being selected as an example. Only include values
for DDNAMEs that you want to change.
In area 5 you might want to use the COMPRESS option on the APPLY
statement to minimize storage used for some or all of the target
Ensure that all PTF service which affects part ASMADOPT is ACCEPTed before applying USERMOD
ML00001 to avoid regressing service on that part.
For the USERMOD, do not perform any ACCEPT processing.