Using ordinary symbols in SETx statements

In addition to variable symbols, self-defining terms, and attribute references, predefined symbols that have absolute values can be used in SETA and SETB statements. You can use this facility to do arithmetic or logical operations on expressions whose values are unknown at coding time, or are difficult to calculate. For example, the following code could be used to assign the length of a CSECT to a SETA symbol:
Name      Operation      Operand

CSECTLEN  EQU            *-BEGIN
Similarly, in addition to character expressions and type attribute references, predefined symbols that have absolute values can be used in SETC statements. For example, the following code could be used to assign a string of fifty spaces to a SETC symbol:
Name      Operation      Operand

FIFTY     EQU            50
&SPACES   SETC           (FIFTY)' '