Listing of generated fields

The different fields in a macro-generated statement or a statement generated in open code appear in the listing in the same column as they are coded in the model statement, with the following exceptions:
  • If the substituted value in the name or operation field is too large for the space available, the next field is moved to the right with one space separating the fields.
  • If the substituted value in the operand field causes the remarks field to be displaced, the remarks field is written on the next line, starting in the column where it is coded in the model statement.
  • If the substituted value in the operation field of a macro-generated statement contains leading spaces, the spaces are ignored.
  • If the substituted value in the operation field of a model statement in open code contains leading spaces, the spaces are used to move the field to the right.
  • If the substituted value in the operand field contains leading spaces, the spaces are used to move the field to the right.
  • If the substituted value contains trailing spaces, the spaces are ignored.