Format of macro-generated statements

Whenever possible, the assembler prints a generated statement in the same format as the corresponding macro-definition (model) statement. The assembler preserves the starting columns of the operation, operand, and comments fields unless they are displaced by field substitution, as shown in the following example:
Figure 1. Format of macro-generated statements
  Loc  Object Code    Addr1 Addr2  Stmt   Source Statement                          HLASM R6.0  2008/07/11 17.48
                                      1          macro
                                      2          macgen
                                      3 &A       SETC 'abcdefghijklmnopq'
                                      4 &A       LA   1,4                  Comment
                                      5 &B       SETC 'abc'
                                      6 &B       LA   1,4                  Comment
                                      7          mend
                                      8          macgen
000000 4110 0004            00004     9+abcdefghijklmnopq LA 1,4           Comment                      01-00004
000004 4110 0004            00004    10+abc      LA   1,4                  Comment                      01-00006
                                     11          end