ASPACE instruction

Use the ASPACE instruction to insert one or more blank lines in the listing of a macro definition in your source module, thus separating sections of macro definition code on the listing page.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramsequence_symbolASPACEnumber_of_lines
Is a sequence symbol.
Is a non-negative decimal integer that specifies the number of lines to be left blank. If number_of_lines is omitted, one line is left blank. If number_of_lines has a value greater than the number of lines remaining on the listing page, the instruction has the same effect as an AEJECT statement.
  1. The ASPACE instruction can only be used inside a macro definition.
  2. The ASPACE instruction itself is not printed in the listing.
  3. The ASPACE instruction does not affect the listing of statements generated when the macro is called.