ADATA instruction

The ADATA instruction writes records to the associated data file.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramsequence_symbolADATAvalue1, value2, value3, value4, character_string
Is a sequence symbol.
Up to four values can be specified, separated by commas. If a value is omitted, the field written to the associated data file contains binary zeros. You must code a comma in the operand for each omitted value. If specified, value1 through value4 must be a decimal self-defining term with a value in the range -231 to +231-1.
Is a character string up to 255 bytes long, enclosed in single quotes. If omitted, the length of the user data field in the associated data file is set to zero.
  1. All operands can be omitted to produce a record containing binary zeros in all fields except the user data field.
  2. The record written to the associated data file is described in the section User-Supplied Information Record X'0070' in the HLASM Programmer's Guide.
  3. If you do not specify the ADATA assembler option, or the GOFF(ADATA) or the XOBJECT(ADATA) assembler option (z/OS® or CMS), the assembler only checks the syntax of an ADATA instruction, and prints it in the assembler listing.
  4. The assembler writes associated data records to the SYSADATA (z/OS or CMS), or the SYSADAT (z/VSE®) file if the ADATA assembler option has been specified.