ADATA instruction
- sequence_symbol
- Is a sequence symbol.
- value1-value4
- Up to four values can be specified, separated by commas. If a value is omitted, the field written to the associated data file contains binary zeros. You must code a comma in the operand for each omitted value. If specified, value1 through value4 must be a decimal self-defining term with a value in the range -231 to +231-1.
- character_string
- Is a character string up to 255 bytes long, enclosed in single quotes. If omitted, the length of the user data field in the associated data file is set to zero.
- All operands can be omitted to produce a record containing binary zeros in all fields except the user data field.
- The record written to the associated data file is described in
the section
User-Supplied Information Record X'0070'
in the HLASM Programmer's Guide. - If you do not specify the ADATA assembler option, or the GOFF(ADATA) or the XOBJECT(ADATA) assembler option (z/OS® or CMS), the assembler only checks the syntax of an ADATA instruction, and prints it in the assembler listing.
- The assembler writes associated data records to the SYSADATA (z/OS or CMS), or the SYSADAT (z/VSE®) file if the ADATA assembler option has been specified.