Method 1: Apply service using the interactive interface

To apply service to High Level Assembler using the Interactive Interface, log on to the z/VSE® Interactive Interface as the system administrator. (For more information about the functions of the Interactive Interface, refer to z/VSE: Administration.)

Mount the service tape on an available tape drive.

In the following menus specify the highlighted items that appear after the ===> symbol.
  1. z/VSE FUNCTION SELECTION menu: ===> 1 (Installation)
  2. INSTALLATION menu: ===> 4 (IBM® Service)
  3. IBM SERVICE menu: ===> 2 (PTF Handling)
  4. PTF HANDLING menu:
    • If you want to print the documentation about the supplied PTFs before applying the service, select: ===> 1 (Print Service Document)

      PRINT SERVICE DOCUMENT menu: ===> 1 (Service medium (tape)) ===> cuu (the address of the tape drive where you mounted the service tape.)

      Enter 1 or 2 to select the type of document you want to print.

    • If you want to apply the service directly, select: ===> 3 (Apply PTFs)

      APPLY PTF menu: ===> 1 (Service medium (tape)) ===> cuu (the address of the tape drive where you mounted the service tape). Press Enter. ===> SERVICE UNIT NAME (allocate a unique name for the service unit) Press Enter.


    Make any changes required and press Enter to submit the job and apply the service.

  6. Respond to console messages

    Confirm prompt when asking for service tape.