Where attribute references can be used

References to the type (T'), length (L'), scaling (S'), and integer (I') attributes of ordinary symbols and SETC symbols can be used in:
  • Conditional assembly instructions
  • Any assembler instruction that accepts an absolute expression as an operand
  • Any machine instruction
For example:
Name      Operation      Operand             Comment

&TYPE     SETC           T'PACKED            Type
LENGTH    LA             2,L'PACKED          Length
ADTYPE    LA             2,T'PACKED          Value of Type (C'P')
&SCALE    SETA           S'PACKED            Scaling
INTEGER   DC             AL1(I'PACKED)       Integer
PACKED    DC             P'123.45'           Referenced Symbol

Attribute references to the count (K') and number (N') attributes, however, can only be used in conditional assembly instructions.