Controlling the assembly

You can control the way the assembler produces the output from an assembly, using assembler options and assembler language instructions.

Assembler options are described in the chapter Controlling Your Assembly with Options in the HLASM Programmer's Guide. A subset of assembler options can be specified in your source program using the *PROCESS statement described in *PROCESS statement.

Assembler language instructions are assembler language source statements that cause the assembler to perform a specific operation. Some assembler language instructions, such as the DC instruction, generate object code. Assembler language instructions are categorized as follows:
Assembler Instructions
These include instructions for:
  • Producing associated data
  • Assigning base registers
  • Defining data constants
  • Controlling listing output
  • Redefining operation codes
  • Sectioning and linking programs
  • Defining symbols

These instructions are described in Assembler instruction statements.

Macro Instructions
These instructions let you define macros for generating a sequence of assembler language statements from a single instruction. These instructions are described in Introduction to macro language through MHELP instruction.
Conditional Assembly Instructions
These instructions let you perform general arithmetic and logical computations, and condition tests that can vary the output generated by the assembler. These instructions are described under Conditional assembly instructions.