The assembler calls the exit with a request type of 9 (END OF MEMBER) whenever the reading of a macro or copy member is completed. For a macro, processing of a MEND statement indicates completion; for a copy member, an end of file condition indicates completion.

The END OF MEMBER call simplifies stack management required in coding a LIBRARY exit which contains READs and FINDs. The exit might use the information provided by this call in the handling of nested FINDs where there is typically a corresponding resume FIND (options=2) for every nested FIND (options=3). For an example of how you can use END OF MEMBER calls to perform stack management, see the code example Use End of Member calls to perform stack management in TERM exit—TRMEXIT.

Note: A reason code of 8 requests redrive of the exit.
Table 1 summarizes the LIBRARY exit processing.
Table 1. LIBRARY exit processing summary
Request Value=Type Exit Return Code Action
1=OPEN 0 Assembler opens its library for input. If reason code=4, the assembler makes END OF MEMBER calls to the exit. If reason code=16, REINIT call required.
4 Exit supplies library records. If reason code=4, the assembler makes END OF MEMBER calls to the exit. If reason code=16, REINIT call required.
8 Both the assembler and the exit supply library records. The assembler opens its library. If reason code=4, the assembler makes END OF MEMBER calls to the exit. If reason code=16, REINIT call required.
16 Assembler opens the library data set, and makes no further calls to the EXIT.
2=CLOSE n/a Exit should close any data sets it opened, and release any storage it acquired.
3=READ 0 Exit supplies record in buffer. Record with MEND statement indicates end of macro member.
16 Exit indicates end-of-file for member.
5=PROCESS    MACRO 0 Record accepted. Exit can modify record. If reason code=4, the assembler, after processing the current record, provides an empty buffer for the exit to provide additional record. If reason code=8, redrive requested.1
4 Requests assembler to discard record. If reason code=8, redrive requested.1
16 Assembler makes no further calls to the EXIT (disregarded if the EXIT return code from the OPEN is 8).
6=PROCESS    COPY 0 Record accepted. Exit can modify record. If reason code=4, the assembler, after processing the current record, provides an empty buffer for the exit to provide additional record. If reason code=8, redrive requested.1
4 Requests assembler to discard record. If reason code=8, redrive requested.1
16 Assembler makes no further calls to the EXIT (disregarded if the EXIT return code from the OPEN is 8).
7=FIND    MACRO 0 Macro member found by exit; the exit supplies the records. If options=3, the exit should save the current member position. If options=2, the exit should restore the previous member position. If reason code=4, exit supplies data set information. If reason code=8, redrive requested.1
4 Macro member not found by exit; the exit does not supply the records.
8=FIND    COPY 0 Copy code member found by exit; the exit supplies the records. If options=3, the exit should save the current member position. If options=2, the exit should restore the previous member position. If reason code=4, exit supplies data set information. If reason code=8, redrive requested.1
4 Copy code member not found by exit; the exit does not supply the records.
9=END OF    MEMBER   Exit might use the information to perform stack management. If reason code=8, redrive requested.1
10=REINIT 0 Operation successful. If reason code=8, redrive requested.1
16 Assembler makes no further calls to the exit.
  1. When redrive is requested, the assembler issues any required error message and then recalls the exit with the same parameter list as before.